Střed. / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries 3 (2011), 2

Střed. / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries 3 (2011), 2
Other title information 
Za naše i vaše práva. Útlak a emancipace 1890-2000

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Organization name
Střed. Časopis pro mezioborová studia Střední Evropy 19. a 20. století / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Czech Republic
Zeitschrift Stred / Centre - Redaktion Rudolf Kucera MUA AV CR Na Florenci 3 Prag 110 00 Tschechien E-Mail:
Kučera, Rudolf

Die vorliegende Ausgabe der Zeitschrift widmet sich der Geschichte der Unterdrückung und Emanzipation im Zentraleuropa im späten 19. und im 20. Jahrhundert.

In der ersten Studie beschäftigt sich Jan Květina mit der diskursiven Ausgrenzung der modernen polnischen Nation im späten 19. Jahrhundert. In der zweiten Studie geht dann Jitka Gelnarová geschlechtergeschichtlichen Fragestellungen nach, indem sie die symbolische Konstituierung des Feindes der tschechischen Frauenbewegeung verfolgt, die die Mobilisierung für das allgemeine Gemeindewahlrecht in Prag vor dem ersten Weltkrieg dynamisierte. Der dritte Beitrag kehrt dann zur Tematik des modernen Nationalismus zurück, das zusammen mit dem modernen zentraleuropäischen Antisemitismus behandelt wird. Miloslav Szabo analysiert hier die Wandlungen der „jüdischen Frage“ in der neu konstituierten tschechoslowakischen Republik und deren Verflechtungen mit älteren antisemitischen Stereotypen. Die letzte Studie widmet sich aus der Perspektive der Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung den Werken von Miroslav Hroch. Miloš Řezník analysiert einige zentrale Punkte in Hrochs Analyse der Entstehung moderner Nationen und platziert die Werke Miroslav Hrochs in einen breiteren Kontext der europäischen Geschichtsschreibung. Rezensionen und kürzere Besprechungen wichtigster Neuerscheinungen zu verschiedenen Themen zentraleuropäischer Geschichte und Kultur runden die Ausgabe ab.

Table of contents

Obsah | Contents

Úvodem / Preface

Vědecké stati | Studies

Jan Květina
Problematika národnostních menšin jako politikum: národní koncepce endecji před první světovou válkou
(Problems of the National Minorities as a Political Issue: The National Concept of “Endecja” before World War I)

Jitka Gelnarová
„Matka Praha“ a „dcery její“ Diskuse o ženském volebním právu do obce pražské v občanském a dělnickém ženském hnutí mezi lety 1906 a 1909
(„Mother Prague“ and „Daughters of Hers.“ Discussion on the Women’s Suffrage for the Municipality of Prague in the Czech Middle Class Women’s Movement and Working Class Women’s Movement between 1906 and 1909)

Miloslav Szabó
„Židovská otázka“ na Slovensku v prvých rokoch Československej republiky
(The “Jewish question” in Slovakia during the first years of the Czechoslovak Republic)

Miloš Řezník
Miroslav Hroch a evropské studium formování moderního národa
(Miroslav Hroch and the European Historiography on the Formation of Modern Nationhood)

Recenze | Reviews of Books

LUKÁŠ FASORA, Dělník a měšťan. Vývoj jejich vzájemných vztahů na příkladu šesti moravských měst 1870–1914 (Rudolf Kučera)

BERNARD MICHEL, Praha město evropské avantgardy 1895–1928 (Michal Topor)

PAUL CORNER (ed.), Popular Opinion in Totalitarian Regimes: Fascism, Nazism, Communism (Michal Pullmann)

MALGORZATA FIDELIS, Women, Communism, and Industrialization in Postwar Poland (Anna Müller)

BENJAMIN FROMMER, Národní očista – retribuce v poválečném Československu (Lucie Chrobáková)

VOLKER ZIMMERMANN, Eine sozialistische Freundschaft im Wandel. Die Beziehungen zwischen der SBZ/DDR und der Tschechoslowakei (1945–1969) (Tomáš Vilímek)

PETR ZÍDEK, KAREL SIEBER, Československo a subsaharská Afrika v letech 1948–1989
PETR ZÍDEK, KAREL SIEBER, Československo a subsaharská Afrika v letech 1948–1989 (Vít Klepárník)

MICHAL PULLMANN, Konec Experimentu. Přestavba a pád komunismu v Československu (James Krapfl )

Zprávy a anotace | Short Reviews and Annotations

Seznam autorů | List of Authors

Autorům | Editorial Note


Jan Květina
Problems of the National Minorities as a Political Issue: The National Concept of “Endecja” before World War I

The paper deals with the interpretation of the national discourse of the Polish National Democracy at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, focusing on the definition of the Polish identity and the desirable extent of the future independent Poland. It addresses the attitudes of the National Democrats on the issues of the non-Polish ethnic groups in the regions of former Rzeczpospolita. The comparison of the theoretical concepts of the main exponents of the National Democracy serves as the main perspective, which deliveres the conclusion that optimal definition of the “Pole” and “Poland” in their notions before World War I was very ambiguous.

Jitka Gelnarová
„Mother Prague“ and „Daughters of Hers.“ Discussion on the Women’s Suffrage for the Municipality of Prague in the Czech Middle Class Women’s Movement and Working Class Women’s Movement between 1906 and 1909

The study deals with the discourse and argumentation of Czech women’s movement on the question of women’s suffrage. It focuses on the example of municipal women’s suffrage and aims to outline how the intersection of class and sex, as categories defining women’s location in the hierarchical power relations, influenced the framing of their argumentation, meaning of the used concepts and their perception of the “enemy”.

Miloslav Szabó
The “Jewish question” in Slovakia during the first years of the Czechoslovak Republic

The article deals with the policy towards the Jewish minority in Slovakia during the first years of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic. In particular it examines the attitudes, semantics and everyday praxis of the new political establishment. Whilst its members attempted to solve the “Jewish question” as soon as on the turn of the 19th and 20th century by establishing cooperatives, after the World War I they used their new governmental authority for revising the so-called “liquor licenses” which were seen as a “Jewish privilege”. This emphasis on the “practical” or “humanitarian” antisemitism – significant for the Czech and Slovak populism since the late 19th century – merged in the postwar period with the aggressive campaign against the “Judeo-Bolshevism” which was alleged as a threat for the new Czechoslovak state.

Miloš Řezník
Miroslav Hroch and the European Historiography on the Formation of Modern Nationhood

The article attempts to define five phases in Hroch’s studies on national movements since the 1960s till today as well as the dominant empirical, interpretational and methodical features of his contribution – as they are internationally reflected. However, in some cases (the “phases A – B – C” of the national movement), this reflection is connected with decontextualization or misunderstandings of Hroch’s concepts and interpretations (e.g. the above mentioned phases A – B – C were not a result, but an introductory methodical tool of Hroch’s comparative study, and they are often interpreted only “by touch”), but that changes nothing on their inspiring impact. On this background, the article poses the question of “productive desinterpretations” of concepts, which are in the historiography (or generally cultural and social science) perhaps not an extraordinary phenomenon.

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