Střed. / Centre. 2 (2010), 1

Střed. / Centre. 2 (2010), 1
Other title information 
Cas moderny. Literatura a kultura obdobi fin de siécle / Die Zeit der Moderne. Literatur und Kultur des Fin de Siécle.

Published on
Zweimal pro Jahr
ISSN 1803-9243
172 Seiten
20 €



Organization name
Střed. Časopis pro mezioborová studia Střední Evropy 19. a 20. století / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Czech Republic
Zeitschrift Stred / Centre - Redaktion Rudolf Kucera MUA AV CR Na Florenci 3 Prag 110 00 Tschechien E-Mail:
Rudolf Kucera

Die vorliegende Ausgabe der Zeitschrift widmet sich der Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte Zentraleuropas an der Wende des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie verknüpft auf Deutsch und Tschechisch geschriebene Studien, die sich dem Verhältniss zwischen dem Wiener Zentrum und den verschiedenen Peripherien widmen, die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der Österreichischen Kulturlandschaft mit Deutschland behandeln oder dem Einfluss des skandinavischen Denkens im Zentraleuropa nachgehen.

Der Diskussionsbeitrag behandelt die Moderne in einer breiten Perspektive als einen der wichtigsten und formativen Ausgangspunkte der europäischen Geschichte im ganzen 20. Jahrhundert.

Table of contents

Obsah | Contents

Úvodem / Preface 5

Vědecké stati | Studies

Jiří Brabec
Česká moderna
(Czech Modernism) 11

Primus-Heinz Kucher
Nervositäten, Fremdheiten und Wahrnehmungen des „Anderen“. Anmerkungen zur „Wiener Moderne“
(Nervousness, Strangeness and Perception of the Other: reflections on the "Wiener Moderne") 22

Stefan Simonek
Ivan Franko jako spolupracovník týdeníku Die Zeit
(Ivan franko as Contributor of the Weekly Die Zeit) 38

Peter Sprengel
„Für Wien existiere ich litterarisch noch gar nicht.“ Der Berliner Kritiker Leo Berg und die Presse der Donaumetropole
("For Vienna I Don´t Exist." The Berlin Critic Leo Berg and the Press of the Metropolis upon Danube) 59

Libuše Heczková
Zneužitá ženská síla. Poznámky k textům Laury Marholmové a Ellen Keyové v časopise Die Zeit a některým souvislostem s českým prostředím
(The Misuse of Female Power. Remarks on Texts of Laura Marholm and Ellen Key in the Weekly Die Zeit and on their Connections with the Czech Culture) 74

Michal Topor
Problém moře: k (italskému) údělu Karla Bačkovského (1878–1901)
(The Crux of the Sea: toward Karel Backovsky´s Italian Destiny. 1878-1901) 86

Diskuse | Discussion

Ulrich Herbert
Evropa v době vrcholné modernity. Úvahy k teorii 20. Století
(Europe in High Modernity. Reflections on a Theory of the 20th Century) 101

Recenze | Reviews of Books

ADÉLA HALL, Deutsch und Tschechisch im sprachenpolitischen Konflikt. Eine vergleichende diskursanalytische Untersuchung zu den Sprachenverordnungen Badenis von 1897 (Karel Šima) 119

DANIEL VOJTĚCH, Vášeň a ideál (Roar Lishaugen) 123

LIBUŠE HECZKOVÁ, Píšící Minervy. Vybrané kapitoly z dějin české literární kritiky (Tereza Kynčlová) 128

BEDŘICH LOEWENSTEIN, Víra v pokrok. Dějiny jedné evropské ideje (Michal Pullmann) 136

JEVGENIJ F. FIRSOV, T. G. Masarik i rossijskaja intellektuaľnaja sreda (po archivam Čechiji i Rossiji). Časť I.: Tomaš Masarik i Ernest Radlov v naučnoj i družeskoj perepiske (Vratislav Doubek) 141

MICHAL KOPEČEK, Hledání ztraceného smyslu revoluce. Zrod a počátky marxistického revizionismu ve střední Evropě 1953–1960 (John Connelly) 145

FRANCOIS MAYER, Češi a jejich komunismus. Paměť a politická identita (Rudolf Kučera) 151


Jiří Brabec
Czech Modernism

The study pursues the process of the Czech Modernism development at the end of the 19th century, observing three streams of thought: realism, progressive movement and modernist literature, whose interconnection in various configurations created the specific shape of the emerging modernism. The well-known “Czech Modernism” proclamation of October 1895 completed the constitutive process and at the same time it was its epitaph.

Primus-Heinz Kucher
Nervousness, Strangeness and Perception of the Other: reflections on the "Wiener Moderne"

The essay focuses on main topics of the literary, aesthetical and philosophical exploration of the so called „Wiener Moderne“, that means on the erosion of the idea of certainty about the I (E. Mach) and of the wide territory of the Other. Working out parallelisms and differences between German and Austrian Modernism texts of Andrian, Hofmannsthal, Beer-Hoff mann and Schnitzler is rediscussed giving space to Slavic components too as well as to intricate relationships between corporality, violence and urban, capitalistic contexts.

Stefan Simonek
Ivan franko as Contributor of the Weekly Die Zeit

The paper offers an analytical approach to Ivan Franko’s numerous contributions to the Viennese weekly Die Zeit, which were published by this famous Ukrainian writer in the period of 1895–1904. Franko’s intense cooperation with the editors of Die Zeit is being interpreted by means of “Postcolonial Studies,” namely of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s essay titled Can the Subaltern Speak? Using Spivak’s theoretical approach, it is possible to understand Franko’s cooperation as a sign of cultural subalternity of the Galician periphery of the Habsburg Empire in relation to the centre in Vienna.

Peter Sprengel
"For Vienna I Don´t Exist." The Berlin Critic Leo Berg and the Press of the Metropolis upon Danube

The Berlin critic Leo Berg (1862–198), once linked with Naturalism, later on highly influenced by Nietzsche, published four articles in the Viennese magazine Die Zeit (1895 and 1899). In letters to the Vicritic Moriz Necker he refl ects his difficulties in gaining a stronger foothold in the Vienna press scene.

Libuše Heczková
The Misuse of Female Power. Remarks on Texts of Laura Marholm and Ellen Key in the Weekly Die Zeit and on their Connections with the Czech Culture

Ellen Key and Laura Marholm belonged to the most interesting female thinkers during the fin de siècle period. Their concepts of female sexual and psychological nature were widely accepted by the German, Austrian and Czech male modernists in contrast to responses from the suffrage movement. The article analyses the cooperation of Marholm and Key with the Viennese weekly Die Zeit and its intellectual background.

Michal Topor
The Crux of the Sea: toward Karel Backovsky´s Italian Destiny. 1878-1901

The study introduces a poet, novelist and critic, Karel Bačkovský. Consistent chronological focus on his texts serves as a basis for re/construction and outline of certain symptomatic moments and characteristic topics of contemporary discussions (social role of art and artists, tension between reality and imagination, feminism, relations to thepast) through the specific perspective of the author.

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