Pražský sborník historický 41 (2013)

Pražský sborník historický 41 (2013)
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Published on
Praha (Prag) 2013: Scriptorium
CZK 175



Organization name
Pražský sborník historický (The Prague Historical Review)
Czech Republic
Red. Pražský sborník historický / The Prague Historical Review Prague City Archives Archivní 6 CZ-149 00 Praha 4
Lohmann, Nina

Table of contents



MARIA THEISEN, Několik úvah o knižní malbě v Praze od založení univerzity do husitských válek. Malíři na Novém Městě pražském [Einige Überlegungen zur Buchmalerei in Prag ab Gründung der Universität bis zu den Hussitenkriegen. Die Maler in der Prager Neustadt] (übersetzt von Jan Hrdina) (7–34)
Prague, the residential town of the Holy Roman Emperor and Bohemian King, seat of an archbishop, and a university town since 1348, had experienced a significant upturn of political importance within Europe that was equally mirrored by its art production. The demand for wall, glass and panel paintings had increased dramatically, as had the demand for illuminated books for clerics and noblemen, and above all, for the famous royal library of Wenceslas IV. Hand in hand with the growing demand for such paintings went an increase in the number of craftsmen who established themselves in the city. The art historian’s perspective on history is based mainly upon objects. However, with a view towards the fact that every artefact – moreover, every group of artefacts – represents a group of people, these objects may offer an insight into social relationships and the artistic production process of the time, even if most of the artefacts cannot be linked to a particular name. Using written sources, this article aims to show whether and how painters are represented in the town’s topography, what economic conditions they found (or tried to create), and within which networks they moved. The main focus is on the New Town of Prague (by chosen examples). The many lay painters with good connections to city politics and the court entered into competition with the old monasteric workshops. This caused tensions, but also to the flowering of the art of painting in the Luxembourg era.

HANA VOBRÁTILKOVÁ, Domy Starého Města pražského a jejich majitelé v berních pramenech barokní doby [Die Häuser der Prager Altstadt und ihre Besitzer in fiskalischen Quellen der Barockzeit] (35–152)
The article looks at the buildings of Prague’s Old Town through the lens of tax documents of a collective nature. By comparing data from the 1653 berní rula (tax roll) with the 1725–1726 visitation protocol of the Theresian Cadastre, the study attempts to identify trends in home ownership among the Old Town’s burghers. The study’s main aim, however, was a statistical analysis of the most important data from the visitation protocol of the Theresian Cadastre. Special attention was paid to the number and types of buildings in Prague’s Old Town. The author studied their price, tax burden, external appearance, interior layout, the question of rental housing, and the professional and social stratification of the buildings’ owners. The informational value of the analysed source material is further amplified by the fact that it is the only comprehensive source of information on burgher houses from the first half of the 18th century, since no books of sales have survived for Prague’s Old Town.

TOMÁŠ KRÁKORA, Knihy testamentů a pozůstalostních inventářů pražských Židů z konce 17. a první poloviny 18. století [Testamentbücher und Verlassenschaftsinventare der Prager Juden aus dem späten 17. und der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts] (153–217)
The study analyses books of testaments by Prague’s Jews that were created in Prague in the years 1681–1756 and 1740–1773 and currently are stored at the Prague City Archives. Emphasis is placed on last wills within Jewish tradition, on Jewish testamentary practice in the Czech lands, and especially on a typological and contentual analysis of the individual testaments.

BOHDANA DIVIŠOVÁ, Praha a Čechy ve vzpomínkách lékaře Hippolyta Guarinoniho [Prag und Böhmen in den Erinnerungen des Arztes Hippolyt Guarinoni] (219–232)
„Greuel der Verwüstung menschlichen Geschlechts“ (“Abominations of the Desolation of the Human Race”) is considered the most important treatise by Tyrolean doctor Hippolytus Guarinonius (1571–1654), who is not very well known in this country. This doctor was the son of Bartholomeus Guarinonius, the personal doctor to Rudolf II, thanks to which he spent the years 1583 to 1594 in Prague. He later included numerous reminiscences in his work, including memories from his adolescence. The article aims to call attention to Guarinonius’ interesting descriptions of everyday life in Prague, his studies at Prague’s Jesuit gymnasium, his time at the St. Bartholomew boarding school, and his family life.


JAN KUDĚLA, Prozaický konec aféry plukovníka Redla (1913–2013). Nová fakta k aféře plukovníka Alfreda Redla na základě dosud nevyužitých či neznámých archivních dokumentů [Das prosaische Ende der Affäre um Oberst Alfred Redl (1913–2013). Neue Fakten zur Redl-Affäre aus bisher ungenutzten oder unbekannten Archivdokumenten] (235–361)
Based on an analysis of previously unknown documents contained in the Prague City Archives, the study tries to shed light on several previously unclear circumstances surrounding the Colonel Alfred Redl case, the most famous spy affair in the Austro- Hungarian Empire. Colonel Alfred Redl, a member of the general staff of the Royal and Imperial Army, spent the last part of his life serving in Prague, which is why his estate was processed here. The article analyses in detail his inheritance proceedings and its circumstances. It adds to and corrects certain previous findings regarding the case, and also reveals new facts that clearly show that Redl’s estate went far beyond the era’s average, as confirmed by a comparison with a relevant sample of other military estates. The study shows that the colonel’s assets must have come from sources other than his salary and other legal income – in other words, it came from the information he provided to foreign intelligence services. The study, which also includes appended documents, sheds light on the lifestyle of Austro- Hungarian officers and again confirms the importance of court documents as a valuable historical source.

MICHAL PLAVEC, Pražský primátor stíhač Dr. Erich Mix? Pokusy K. H. Franka o odstranění Josefa Pfitznera z pražského magistrátu [Der Jagdflieger Dr. Erich Mix als Prager Primator? Die Versuche K. H. Franks, Josef Pfitzner aus dem Prager Magistrat zu entfernen] (363–370)
Starting in the fall of 1941, Secretary of State of the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Karl Hermann Frank tried to replace professor Josef Pfitzner in the position of deputy mayor of the City of Prague. Neither Frank nor Reinhard Heydrich trusted Pfitzner, partially because he was as Sudeten German. Several candidates were available for the position of the city’s German mayor. One of these was Erich Mix, a member of the Allgemeine SS and the NSDAP who had fought on the western front during World War I. In the interwar period, he had studied law and political sciences, and in 1937 he became the mayor of Wiesbaden. During World War II, he rejoined the Luftwaffe, making him one of only a few pilots to achieve aerial victories during both World Wars. Frank offered him the office of mayor in July 1942, but Mix rejected the offer because of his frontline deployment. Despite all of Frank’s efforts, he never managed to replace Pfitzner with anyone else.


Havelské Město pražské ve středověku. Historie – archeologie – stavební historie [Die Prager Gallusstadt im Mittelalter. Geschichte – Archäologie – Baugeschichte], (ed.) Martin Musílek (Jan Mareš)

Libri civitatis, V. Knihy měšťanských práv na Novém Městě pražském 1518–1581 [Bürgerrechtsbücher der Prager Neustadt 1518–1581], (ed.) Jaroslava Mendelová; Libri civitatis, VI. Knihy měšťanských práv na Novém Městě pražském 1582–1657 [Bürgerrechtsbücher der Prager Neustadt 1582–1657], (ed.) Jaroslava Mendelová (Markéta Růčková)

Olga Fejtová, „Já pevně věřím a vyznávám…“ Rekatolizace na Novém Městě pražském v době pobělohorské [„Ich glaube und bekenne…“ Die Rekatholisierung der Prager Neustadt in der Zeit nach der Schlacht am Weißen Berg] (Kateřina Jíšová)

Hedvika Kuchařová, Premonstrátská kolej Norbertinum v Praze. Alternativy univerzitního vzdělání v 17. a 18. století [Das Prämonstratenserkolleg Norbertinum in Prag. Alternativen universitärer Bildung im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert] (Ivana Čornejová)

František Vácslav Felíř, Letopis 1723–1756 [Annalen 1723–1756], (edd.) Jan Vogeltanz – Jiří Ohlídal (Jiří Borovský)

Jeanette Godau, Germanistik in Prag und Jena – Universität, Stadt und Kultur um 1900. Der Briefwechsel zwischen August Sauer und Albert Leitzmann (Michal Topor)

Ingrid Stöhr, Zweisprachigkeit in Böhmen, Deutsche Volksschulen und Gymnasien im Prag der Kafka Zeit (Václav Petrbok)

Dejiny Bratislavy, I. Od počiatkov do prelomu 12. a 13. storočia. Brezalauspurc – na križovatke kultúr [Geschichte Bratislavas, I. Von den Anfängen bis ca. 1200. Brezalauspurc – an der Kreuzung verschiedener Kulturen], (edd.) Juraj Šedivý – Tatiana Štefanovičová (Kateřina Jíšová)

Josef Merkl, Dějiny královského města Nymburka [Geschichte der königlichen Stadt Nimburg], (edd.) Marek Ďurčanský – Tomáš Rataj – Igor Votoupal (Petr Kreuz)

Tereza Siglová, Soudové zisku nenesou. Spory obyvatel městeček pardubického panství v 16. a 17. století [Gerichtsstreit bringt keinen Gewinn. Konflikte zwischen den Einwohnern der Minderstädte auf der Herrschaft Pardubitz im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert] (Petr Kreuz)

Josef Grulich, Migrace městského a vesnického obyvatelstva. Farnost České Budějovice 1750–1824 [Migrationen städtischer und dörflicher Bevölkerung. Die Pfarrei Böhmisch Budweis 1750–1824] (Josef Kadeřábek)

Christian Speer, Frömmigkeit und Politik, Städtische Eliten in Görlitz zwischen 1300 und 1550 (Olga Fejtová)

Stadt und Öffentlichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit, (Hrsg.) Gerd Schwerhoff (Petr Kreuz)

Královský sňatek: Eliška Přemyslovna a Jan Lucemburský – 1310 [Eine königliche Eheschließung: die Přemyslidin Elisabeth und Johann von Luxemburg – 1310], (ed.) Klára Benešovská (Zdeněk Vašek)

Die hussitische Revolution. Religiöse, politische und regionale Aspekte, (Hrsg.) Franz Machilek (Silvie Vančurová)

Korruption. Historische Annäherungen an eine Grundfigur politischer Kommunikation, (Hrsg.) Niels Grüne – Simona Slanicka (Martina Maříková)

Gerd Schwerhoff, Historische Kriminalitätsforschung (Petr Kreuz)

Maria Bogucka, Kategorie i funkcje społeczne kultury w perspektywie historycznej [Kategorien und Funktionen der Gesellschaftskultur in historischer Perspektive] (Olga Fejtová)

Zdeněk Dragoun u. a., Archeologický výzkum v Praze v letech 2011–2012 [Die archäologische Forschung in Prag in den Jahren 2011–2012] (445–548)

Abbildungsverzeichnis (549–550)

Autorenverzeichnis (551)

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