Food & History 10 (2012), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Food & History 10 (2012), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Food: Convergence and Divergence in Europe since 1800. Cuisine of Elites, Bourgeoisie, and Middle Classes / L’alimentation : Convergence et divergence en Europe depuis 1800. Cuisine des élites, bourgeoisie et classes moyennes

Turnhout 2012: Brepols Publishers
zweimal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
232 S.
€ 54,50



FOOD & HISTORY. Biannual journal published by the European Institute for the History and Culture of Food / FOOD & HISTORY. Revue semestrielle publiée par l’Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation
Contact: Dr. Rengenier C. Rittersma Secrétariat de rédaction de Food & History IEHCA 16, Rue Briçonnet F – 37000 Tours France Email: <>
Rittersma, Rengenier

FOOD & HISTORY has just published its first 2012 issue!

View the full table of contents and abstracts here:




DOSSIER – Food: Convergence and Divergence in Europe since 1800. Cuisine of Elites, Bourgeoisie, and Middle Classes / L’alimentation : Convergence et divergence en Europe depuis 1800. Cuisine des élites, bourgeoisie et classes moyennes

Convergence and Divergence in Europe since 1800. Cuisine of Elites, Bourgeoisie, and Middle Classes. Introduction
Peter Scholliers 3–12

Social Inequalities and Product Identification in Food Markets. A Critique of Modernization and Globalization Paradigms
Alessandro Stanziani 13–48

I. Elite that creates power / Les élites créatrices de puissance

Commensal Soft Power Tools for Elites in European States: Networks and Dramaturgy between Divergence and Convergence
Marc Jacobs 49–70

II. Shops that create needs / Des boutiques qui créent des besoins

Shopping for Food in Western Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Patricia Van den Eeckhout 71–82

Growing Fat? Middle-class Men and Food Consumption on the English Home Front, 1914–1918
Laura Ugolini 83–106

Succursales partout en Belgique. Delhaize Le Lion: Belgium’s First Food Chain Store, its Architecture and Brand Identity, 1867–1940
Nelleke Teughels 107–142

III. Restaurants that create identities / Les restaurants qui font l'identité

Restaurants in Western Europe and the United States in the 19th and 20th Centuries: an Introduction
Patricia Van den Eeckhout 143–154

The Political Role of Restaurants and Chefs in the Construction of National Food Culture: Traditional and Typical Food Identities in Norway 1980–2011
Virginie Amilien 155–172

Chefs, Waitresses, Patrons, and Critics: the Discursive Representation of Social Actors in Restaurant Guides (Brussels, 1960–2000)
Steven Van den Berghe 173–194

Contemporary Gastronomic Identities: Some Concluding Remarks
Gary Alan Fine & Daphne Demetry 195–210

Review articles / Comptes rendus

Gonzalo ARANDA JIMÉNEZ, Sandra MONTÓN-SUBÍAS, Margarita SÁNCHEZ-ROMERO (eds.), Guess Who's Coming To Dinner: Feasting Rituals in the Prehistoric Societies of Europe and the Near East (Oxford, Oxbow, 2011), 245 pages.
Katheryn C. Twiss 211–214

Nelly LABÈRE (études réunies et présentées par), Être à table au Moyen Âge (Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2010), 277 pages.
Patrick Rambourg 215–218

Craig MULDREW, Food, Energy and the Creation of Industriousness: Work and Material Culture in Agrarian England, 1550-1780 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011), 355 pages
Paul S. Lloyd 219–220

David GENTILCORE, Pomodoro! A History of the Tomato in Italy (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), 272 pages
Rengenier Rittersma 221–223

Acknowledgements / Remerciements

Upcoming issues / Prochains numéros

Food history – A bibliographic database / Bibliographie d’histoire de l’alimentation

Submission of articles / Envois d’articles

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