Journal on European History of Law 10 (2019), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal on European History of Law 10 (2019), 2
Weiterer Titel 

London 2019: STS Science Centre
zweimal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten



Journal on European History of Law (JEHL)
United Kingdom
The European Society for History of Law, Foltynova 2, 635 00, Brünn, Tschechische Republik
Tauchen, Jaromir



Jaromír Tauchen: Die Arbeitsverwaltung im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939 – 1945)

Arian Petoft, Mahmoud Abbasi: A Historical Overview of Law and Neuroscience: From the Emergence of Medico-Legal Discourses to Developed Neurolaw

Simone Rosati: Individual Ownership and Collective Ownership in the Nineteenth‑Century Debate before the Sacred Economic Congregation

Javier Belda Iniesta: The Pre-Constantine Conciliar Season

Georgios Tzeferakos, Marina Skourteli, Alexandra Palli, Athanassios Douzenis: The Origins of Homicide Legislation in Ancient Greece

István Szászdi: The “Protector de Indios” in Early Modern Age America

Vlasta Švoger: Control of the Press in Croatia 1848-1849: From Censorship over Unlimited Freedom of the Press to the First Croatian Press Act

Paweł Fiktus: An Official in the Polish Political and Legal Thought of the Second Half of the 18th Century on the Example of the Theses of Józef Hieronim Pawlikowski and Józef Puszet de Puget

Andrey Bystrov: The Forgotten Anarchist: Political and Legal Aspects of Alexei Borovoy’s Anarcho-Humanism

Tetiana Syroid, Oleksandr Havrylenko, Alona Shevchenko: Evolution of Financial Law Basics within the Antique States of the North Black Sea Region (Late 7th Century BC – the First Half of the 6th Century AD)

Róbert Jáger: Legal and Social Status of the Church in Great Moravia

Antonín Lojek: Die böhmische Konföderation von 1619 und ihre Erweiterung um die österreichischen evangelischen Stände

Tomáš Mach: From the Balfour Declaration to the Creation of the State of Israel: The Issue of Legal Importance of this Declaration, Its Historical Role, and Consequences of the Arab Attack upon the Newly Proclaimed State of Israel on the Plane of Public International Law

Adam Boóc: Comments on the Concept of Arbiter in Roman Law

Peter Takács: On Stateform of Hungary between 1920 and 1944: Applicability of the Term „Monarchy without a King”

István Ambrus: The Development of Complaint and Public Interest Disclosure Regulation in Hungary

György Képes: Development of the Structural Independence of the Hungarian Judiciary from the Beginning until the End of the 19th Century

Fatri Islamaj, Engjëll Likmeta: Historical Aspects of Sale Contract according to Albanian Customary Law

Dominik Terstriep: Die Überdehnung des Raumes – Globalisierung im 16. Jahrhundert

Raluca Enescu: Simplified Procedures in Criminal Matters and the Risk of Judicial Errors: The Case of Penal Orders in Germany


Heike Stopp: Hans Welzel und der Nationalsozialismus

Tamar Herzog: A Short History of European Law: The Last Two and a Half Millennia

Dirk Reitz, Hendrik Thoß (Hg.): Sachsen, Deutschland und Europa im Zeitalter der Weltkriege

Markus Apostolow: Der „immerwährende Staatssekretär“. Walter Strauß und die Personalpolitik im Bundesministerium der Justiz 1949 – 1963

Urs Marti-Brander: Rousseaus Schuld. Essays über die Entstehung philosophischer Feindbilder

Joachim Rückert: Abschiede vom Unrecht. Zur Rechtsgeschichte nach 1945

Reiner Haehling von Lanzenauer: Der badische Jurist Reichlin von Meldegg und seine Zeit

Ulrich Falk / Markus Gehrlein / Gerhart Kreft / Marcus Obert (Hg.): Rechtshistorische und andere Rundgänge – Festschrift für Detlev Fischer

Weitere Hefte ⇓