Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 61 (2019)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 61 (2019)
Weiterer Titel 
Small Worlds: Football at the Grassroots in Europe

Essen 2019: Klartext Verlag
1–2 Hefte pro Jahr
Anzahl Seiten
ind. copy: € 14; ind. sub./year, print + online: € 25; inst. sub./year, print + online: € 140; inst. sub./year, online: € 115



Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (glz. Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)
Institute for Social Movements Clemensstraße 17–19 44789 Bochum Germany
Strotmann, Vivian

The Institute for Social Movements of Ruhr University Bochum is pleased to announce launch of the latest issue of its journal "Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements".

The thematic issue 61 (2019) on "Small Worlds: Football at the Grassroots in Europe" contains the following articles:


Table of Content

Editor’s Introduction

Kristian Naglo, Jürgen Mittag, Dilwyn Porter:
Defining, Interpreting and Comparing Small Worlds of Football. An Introduction to the Aims and Objectives of this Special Issue


Dilwyn Porter:
Researching the History of Grassroots Football in England: Sources and Opportunities

Conor Curran:
‘It has almost been an underground movement’. The Development of Grassroots Football in Regional Ireland: the Case of the Donegal League, 1971–1996

Dariuš Zifonun, Kristian Naglo:
Core Activity, Event and Crisis: Making the Small Worlds of Amateur Football

Jochem Kotthaus, Karsten Krampe, Nina Leicht, Sina-Marie Levenig, Sebastian Weste:
Problematic Possibilities and Choosing between Courses of Action: Findings of an Ethnographic Study on the Parents of Pre-Adolescent, Non-Professional Soccer Players

Nina Degele:
Talking Football: Challenging Discrimination and Homophobia


Jürgen Mittag:
Protest and Social Movements in Football as an Emerging Field of Research: A Review on Sport Politics Studies between the Local and the Global

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