Časopis Matice moravské 134 (2015), 2

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Časopis Matice moravské 134 (2015), 2
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Brno 2015: Matice moravsk¡
15 €



Casopis Matice moravské
Czech Republic
Matice moravská - redakce Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity Arne Nováka 1 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Redaktion: Prof. PhDr. Jirí Malír Libor Jan, Ph.D. Mgr. Jan Dvorák, Ph.D.
Moravská, Matice



VOHRYZEK, Stanislav
Založení kláštera v Nové Říši a otázka zakladatelských práv k němu do válek husitských / The Foundation of the Monastery in Nová Říše and the Question of Founder Rights over It, S. 345–372
Although the monastery was, according to tradition, founded by Markvart of Hrádek and his wife Vojslava in 1211, in the written sources it appears only in 1248. Following this tradition the author comes to the conclusion that the names of the founders were taken over from a copy of a medieval monastic necrologue, while the date was set only during second half of the 17th century. He also inquires into the question of patrocinium of the churches in Nová Říše and the problem of the monastic foundation rights.
KEY WORDS: the Premonstrates, Nová Říše, monastery, foundation rights, the Lords of Holoubek

Geneze jednoho histori(ografi)ckého omylu. K právnímu statusu městských sídelních jednotek v raném novověku (na příkladu Březové nad Svitavou) / The Genesis of One Histori(ographi)c Mistake. On the Legal Status of the Urban Settlement Units in the Early Modern Period (as Illustrated on the Case of Březová nad Svitavou), S. 373–395
The present study focuses on the character of the urban settlement units in the Early Modern Period especially in respect to their legal status. On the general level, it attempts to describe the difference between the towns and settlement units, which in the studied period had similar functions but nevertheless in respect to their legal quality were not on the same level and thus belonged to a transitional category between towns and villages. In the focused passages the author recapitulates previous contrasting views on the legal status of Březová nad Svitavou in the Early Modern Period and offers a new solution to the problem.
KEY WORDS: urban settlement units, legal status, Early Modern Period, Březová nad Svitavou

PUMPR, Pavel
K otázce raně novověkého vývoje farního desátku. Příklad farnosti Moravská Ostrava (1581–1808) / On the Development of the Parish Tithe in the Early Modern Period. The Example of the Parish of Moravská Ostrava (1581–1808), S. 397–434
The paper examines the development of the parish tithe in the early modern period on the example of the parish of Moravská Ostrava. The analysis of twenty adminis-trative records of parish income proved that these documents primarily indicate an income claim. They might cover the payment practices as well, but these are usually better reflected in rarer records of the actual collecting of tithes. This revenue in kind originating in the Middle Ages played an important part in meeting the existential needs of the priest in the researched parish even at the beginning of the 19th century. The priest thus remained integrated into the traditional agrarian society, which was one of the main obstacles to the early modern process of professionalization of clergy.
KEY WORDS: parish clergy, parish benefice, tithe, early modern period, Diocese of Olomouc, Moravská Ostrava

Hlavní tendence ve vývoji krajiny ostravsko¬-karvinského revíru v 19. a 20. století. Nástin problematiky a základní výsledky výzkumu / The Main Tendencies in Landscape Development of the Ostrava-Karviná Mining District in the 19th and 20th Century. An Outline of the Problem and Basic Results of Research, S. 435–463
The presented historical-geographical study attempts to sketch the processes, which took place in the Ostrava-Karviná mining district in course of the 19th and 20th century. Based on a detailed analysis of the stable cadastre maps from the 1830s and a series of historical aerial photographs from the end of 1940s, beginning of the 1970s and from 2009, they attempted to outline the main processes connected with the changes of the coal region landscape. The authors identified seven basic processes of landscape changes and showed that it is possible to speak about a specific development of the landscape of each of the three actively used partial mining regions of the Ostrava¬-Karviná mining district. The different development of the landscape resulted from a combination of natural conditions and specific factors of historical development.
KEY WORDS: industrial revolution, industrialization, landscape development, Ostrava¬-Karviná mining district, land use, land cover, pressures

MAREK, Pavel
Ohlas založení Církve československé (husitské) / The Response to the Founding of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, S. 465–485
The goal of the study is to describe the response of the Czech ecclesiastical and religious circles to the founding of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church in 1920, within the period immediately following its foundation. The author notices the views of the Czech and Moravian Unity of the Catholic clergy, Papal Curia and the Vatican circles, the Czech episcopate and the simple clergy. Beside the response in the Catholic circles he also follows the position of the Czech Evangelicals and Old Catholics. The analysis of the relationships towards the new church community complements information on the self-reflection within the Czechoslovak Hussite Church itself.
KEY WORDS: the reformed movement of the Catholic clergy, Czechoslovak Hussite Church, ecclesiastical hierarchy, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Old Catholic Church

Obraz papeže a papežství v domácím liberálním a socialistickém tisku v letech 1870–1929 / The Image of the Pope and Papacy in Local Liberal and Socialist Press in 1870–1929, S. 487–509
The author focuses on the image of the Papacy in the imagination of the Czech and German liberal and socialist press in the time of loss of the state sovereignty of the Holy See. He compares the image of the Pope and Papacy in the relationship to his activities in local and international policy and pays special attention to the phenomenon of fervent Catholicism and deep attachment of the believers to the Pope, all in respect to the profile of the used discursive figures and images, their gradual approaching and integration across ideological camps.
KEY WORDS: Papacy, the Roman question, socialist and liberal discourse


Eva Hahnová: Od Palackého k Benešovi.Německé texty o Češích, Němcích a českých zemích (Zdeněk Šimeček), S. 511–513

Matej Bel: Trenčianska stolica (Kamil Harvánek), S. 513–516

Bohumil Jiroušek: Karel Stloukal.Profesor obecných dějin (Tomáš Pánek), S. 517–520

Charles West: Reframing the Feudal Revolution.Political and Social Transformation Between Marne and Moselle, c.800–c.1100 (David Kalhous), S. 529–535

Veronika Čapská – Robert Antonín – Martin Čapský (edd.): Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe, 1200–1800 (David Kalhous), S. 535–539

Jaroslav Polach: Páni z Krumlova.Rod Záviše z Falkenštejna (Lukáš Reitinger), S. 539–546

Karel Mlateček: Rytíři z Lulče a jejich přátelé (Tomáš Somer), S. 546–548

Jan Rokyta: Doba a dílo Petra Chelčického (Adam Pálka), S. 548–551

Jana Vojtíšková – Vít Šebesta: (Králové)hradecké městské kanceláře do roku 1620 (Ludmila Sulitková), S. 552–557

Eva Stejskalová: Novinové zpravodajství a noviny v Čechách od 17. století do roku 1740 (Jaromír Kubíček), S. 557–561

Martin Rája: V čele občanských elit.Advokáti a společnost na Moravě v letech 1869–1914 (Lukáš Fasora), S. 571–573

Daniel Baránek: Židé na Frýdecku a Místecku.Židovské společenství a jeho tvůrci (Magda Veselská), S. 584–587

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