Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali / Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies, vol. 1–20 Indexes

Titel der Ausgabe 
Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali / Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies, vol. 1–20 Indexes
Weiterer Titel 
Micrologus 1 (1993) – 20 (2012), Micrologus’ Library, vol. 1–45

Anzahl Seiten
XII–436 pp. with 16 pl.
€ 38,00



Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali / Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino Certosa del Galluzzo I-50124 Firenze tel. +39.055.2048501/2049749 fax. +39.055.2320423 e-mail: <agostino.paravicini@unil.ch> <segreteria.sismel@sismelfirenze.it>
Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino

The present index concerns vols. 1-20 (1993–2012) of Micrologus. Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies, a Journal of the International Society for the Study of the Latin Middle Ages, and vols. 1–45 (1998–2012) of Micrologus’ Library. All these volumes deal with the cultural relations between man and nature since Late Antiquity to Early Modern Europe through a vast range of disciplines, from theology to art history, from the scientific thought to linguistic and literature, from history of symbolism to social history – with a particular attention to the textual tradition (medieval Latin and vernacular literatures).

The present index begins with the tables of contents of all the 65 volumes published thus far. This collection of tables is followed by an alphabetical list of the authors of every article, monograph, or critical edition. This index lists more than 800 titles of articles or volumes (monographs, critical editions), for which three indices have been elaborated. The first alphabetically lists the subjects as inferred from their titles. The second organizes these same subjects in thematic sections: Creation; Cosmology and Astrology; The Sciences of Nature; The Worlds of Animals and Plants; The Reigns of Nature: Symbolical Aspects; The Body (Sciences of the Body; Physiology and Representation; Life and Prolongation of Life; Senses and Sensations; Sexuality; Medicine and Diseases; The Corpse); Holiness and Spirituality; Divination, the Occult, and Witchcraft; Social Aspects; Courts, Sovereignty, and Power; Collecting and Treasuries; Education, Culture, and Communication; Family and Kinship. The third index lists the names of persons and places. Following this is a list of the signatures of the more than 3.000 manuscripts mentioned in all volumes. The last section contains all the abstracts of the contributions published in Micrologus from



A. Paravicini Bagliani, Introduction. Micrologus. Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies 1 (1993) – 20 (2012): Sommari / Tables of contents – Autori / Authors – Indice alfabetico delle cose notevoli / Alphabetical Index of the Subjects – Indice delle sezioni tematiche / Index of the Thematical Sections. Micrologus’ Library, 1 (1998) – 45 (2012): Sommari / Tables of contents – Autori / Authors – Indice alfabetico delle cose notevoli / Alphabetical Index of the Subjects – Indice delle sezioni tematiche / Index of the Thematical Sections.

Sezioni tematiche / Thematical Sections : La creazione / The creation of God – Cosmologia e astrologia / Cosmology and Astrology – Scienze della natura / Sciences of Nature – Mondi animale e vegetale / The worlds of Animals and Plants – I regni della natura: aspetti simbolici / The reigns of Nature: symbolical aspects – Il corpo / The Body (Le scienze del corpo / The sciences of the Body – Fisiologia e rappresentazione / Physiology and Representation – Vita e prolongatio vitae / Life and prolongation of Life – Sensi e sensazioni / Senses and Sensations – Sessualità / Sexuality – Medicina e malattie / Medicine and Diseases – Il cadavere / The Corpse) – Santità e spiritualità / Holiness and Spirituality – Divinazione, occulti, stregoneria / Divination, Occult, Witchcraft – Aspetti sociali / Social aspects – Corti, sovranità e poteri / Courts, Sovereignty, Powers – Collezionismo e tesori / Collectionism and Treauseries – Educazione, cultura e comunicazione / Education, Culture, Communication – Famiglia e parentela / Family, Kinship.

Micrologus, 1 (1993) – 20 (2012): Indice dei nomi di persona e di luogo / Index of names of persons and of places – Indice dei manoscritti / Index of manuscripts – Riassunti / Abstracts. Micrologus’ Library, 1 (1998) – 45 (2012): Indice dei nomi di persona e di luogo / Index of names of persons and of places – Indice dei manoscritti / Index of manuscripts – Riassunti / Abstracts.

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