The International Newsletter of Communist Studies XII (2006), 19

Titel der Ausgabe 
The International Newsletter of Communist Studies XII (2006), 19
Weiterer Titel 

Bremen 2006: Selbstverlag



The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online
The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Dr. Bernhard H. Bayerlein Institut für Soziale Bewegungen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Clemensstrasse 17–19, 44789 Bochum
Albert, Gleb J.


Table of Contents

Section I: The Newsletter of the Newsletters: Communist Studies. Selected Items.

Communist History Network Newsletter, Manchester.

Estudos sobre o Comunismo, Lisbon.

HNet Discussion Network: H-HOAC. History of American Communism, Washington D.C.

International Institute of Social History. News Service, Amsterdam.

Aktuelles aus der DDR-Forschung. Ein Newsletter der Stiftung Aufarbeitung der DDR-Diktatur, Berlin.

Section II: Archival Problems, Files, Institutions, Projects.

Comintern online Update: Neue Digitalisierte Fonds des Kominternarchivs im WEB

Microfilms à la BDIC sur l’histoire soviétique (Jean-François Fayet)

Inventaires du RGANI, RGASPI et GARF: Everyday Stalinism. Living Standards, Norms and Values of Various Groups of Soviet People in the 1920s and 1930s; The Cold War and the Central Committee 1941-1990.

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives at The Tamiment Library, New York.

The Records of the Communist Party of Austria at Vienne (Alfred Klahr Gesellschaft).

The Social History Collection of the Sejm Library, Warsaw.

New coverage of the Archives of Italian CP (Fondazione Antonio Gramsci, Rome).

The Victor Serge Library, Moscow.

The records of the Finnish Communist Party at The People’s Archives, Helsinki.

Pierre Broué Archives and Library, Grenoble

Comprehensive Guides to contemporary History of the GDR and Eastern Europe.

Communist Party of Sudan Collection (1970-2003) at the IISH, Amsterdam.

The Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.)

Archives of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED). New Web Portal.

ViFaOst - Virtual Library for East European Studies.

Section III: Projects – Work in progress.

Ulrich Eumann, Cologne: Eigenwillige Kohorten der Revolution. Diss. zur Sozialgeschichte der KPD.

Mathieu Denis, Berlin: German Labor in the Revolution and Unification. The Paradox of Continuity.

Unpublished Russian Dissertations.

Die Projekte der Deutsch-Russischen Historikerkommission.

Section IV: Materials for Biographical, Regional and Institutional Studies.

Bernhard H. Bayerlein: Zwischen Internationale und Gulag. Präliminarien zur Geschichte der internationalen kommunistischen Frauenbewegung (1919-1945). Teil 1.

Dmitrij J. Moiseenko, Gleb Albert, Bernhard H. Bayerlein: Jimmy, Jacob oder Dmitrij. Portrait einer Kominternfamilie.

Section V: New Publications – Reports and Reviews.

The political biography of Álvaro Cunhal, by José Pacheco Pereira, vol. III: 1949-1960.

Sobhanlal Datta Gupta: Comintern and the destiny of communism in India.

Stalin: Revolutionary in an Era of War, by Kevin McDermott.

Frank Schauff: Der verspielte Sieg. Sowjetunion, Komintern und Spanischer Bürgerkrieg.

Natalja Mussijenko, Alexander Vatlin: Schule der Träume. Die Karl-Liebknecht-Schule (Kurt Schilde).

Kurt Schilde: Dagmar Schulte: Need and care. Glimpses into the Beginnings of Eastern Europe’s professional welfare. Kurzpräsentation.

Section VI: Meetings, Conferences and Events Concerning Communist Studies 2005/2006.

Section VII: The International Bibliography of Communist Studies. Issue 2005.

Section VIII: Directory of Periodicals for Historical Communist Studies and Connected Areas: Conventional, Electronic Journals, Newsletters, Discussion Lists, Bulletins.

Section IX: Links-Links-Links. Updates of Interesting Websites for Communist Studies.

Section X: Miscellaneous, Personalia.

Pierre Broué (1926-2005), Historian of international communism and member of the Newsletter Board.

Stipendien des Deutschen Historischen Instituts, Moskau

Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Price 2005

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