Historický časopis 57 (2009), Supplement

Historický časopis 57 (2009), Supplement
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Published on
Bratislava 2009: Slovak Academic Press
137 S.



Organization name
Historický časopis
SVK 813 64 Bratislava, Klemensova 19
Miroslava Fabriciusová

Table of contents


OSLANSKÝ František
European Written Sources on the Counterfeiting of Coins in the Middle Ages
S. 3-14.

Counterfeiting of coins is mentioned in a multitude of medieval written sources, manuscripts and books, starting with the Laws of the Visigoths in the mid 7th century, through the Visitation of the Chapter of Esztergom in 1397, to the Inferno, first part of Dante Alighieri’s most important work, the Divina Comedia from the first two decades of the 14th century, which reached far beyond its age. The paper gives a selection of only partly used and often entirely unknown facts from medieval documents. This creates the pre-conditions for them to become more widely known and accessible.
History. Written sources on counterfeiting of coins. Europe. Kingdom of Hungary. Slovakia. Middle Ages.

Rázus’ Odkaz mŕtvych and the Perception of Violence in Inter-Confessional Relations
S. 15-39.

The article analyses the literary image of forcible re-Catholicization and maps its perception against the background of the confessionally determined reception of the historical novel Odkaz mŕtvych (Message from the Dead). The reception of Rázus’ novel was influenced by Protestant and Catholic historical memory, which included the images of the bad Jesuits or the good Jesuits. The stereotype of the bad Jesuits was updated and politically exploited in the conditions of the totalitarian Ľudák regime. Thus the novel contributed to strengthening anti-regime views in some segments of the reading public.
Historical novel. Historical memory. Stereotype. Confessional story. Re-Catholicization. Jesuits. Violence.

Slavonic Ideas and Political Variations in the Relationship of the Slovaks to Moscow (1934 – 1949)
S. 41-74.

In the period 1934 – 1949, not only the real international situation, but to a large extent also political illusions were reflected in the relationship of the Slovaks to Russia. The alliance between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union in 1935 also had the support of Slovak members of the ruling circles in Prague. The orientation to Nazi Germany determined the foreign policy of the Slovak state from March 1939. The pact between Berlin and Moscow briefly opened the possibility of diplomatic relations between Slovakia and Russia. The entry of Slovakia to the anti-Soviet war on the side of Nazi Germany changed the political priorities. The anti-fascist elements in the illegal resistance took over the initiative in relations with Moscow. From the anti-fascist uprising in Slovakia, through the political developments in the first post-war years, the Slovak communists replaced spontaneous sympathy for Slavonic Russia with organized “love for the Soviet Union”.
General history. USSR. Czechoslovak Republic. Slovak state. Political ideas. Slovak – Russian relations.

The Former Czar of Bulgaria Ferdinand and Slovakia (1939 – 1944)
S. 75-103.

The former Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty often lived in Slovakia during the Second World War. His contacts with the political elite of the regime, his views on the geopolitical situation and his ordinary human joys and sorrows are the subject of a study based on previously unused and partly unknown foreign archive collections. It provides information about many behind the scenes events in the relationship of Ferdinand to the Slovak regime and its representatives. The study is a micro-analysis of an aristocrat and monarch mentally rooted in the 19th century, who found himself mixed up in the Second World War and Slovak development. Ferdinand is remembered as a monarch, who loved the people and nature of Slovakia.
History of Slovakia during the Second World War. Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty and Slovakia. Slovak – Bulgarian relations. Micro-analysis of the life and views of a former monarch.

LONDÁK Miroslav
The End of Economic Reform in 1960s Czechoslovakia and Slovakia
S. 105-125.

The aim of the study is to examine, on the basis of documents in the National Archives of the Czech Republic, the final part of the process of economic reform developed in Czechoslovakia almost from the beginning of the 1960s. After the invasion of the occupation armies in August 1968, its end was definitively decided, in spite of the fact that there was still some verbal support for the continued development of the economic reform and some space for the presentation of theoretical views that were not in harmony with the official policy. In this period during 1968, as well as during the so-called pre-spring, Slovak economists formulated some interesting views.
History. Czechoslovakia. Slovakia. Economic Reform.


KOWALSKÁ Eva – KANTEK Karol, A Hungarian Rapsody or the tragic story of the enlightenment intellectual Jozef Hajnóczy (Dušan Škvarna) S. 127

KOVÁČ Dušan et al., The First World War 1914 – 1918 (Milan Zemko) S. 130

Review of Monographs from the History Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Events of 1968 in Czechoslovakia and Slovakia (Ľudovít Hallon) S. 134


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