EGO | European History Online

Berger, Joachim


EGO | European History Online ( traces the varied history of Europe in the modern period from the perspective of communication and transfer. EGO crosses national, disciplinary and methodological boundaries to cover 500 years of modern European history. Ten thematic threads* bring together processes of intercultural exchange whose influence extended beyond state, national and cultural borders. The subjects are as diverse as the communicative and transfer processes which EGO depicts. They range from religion, politics, scholarship and law to art and music, as well as to economics, technology and the military. The contributions link to images, primary sources, statistics, animated and interactive maps, as well as audio and film clips.

The languages of publication are German and English. About 110 contributions will be accessible following the launch. Over 200 contributions will be published by 2013. EGO is a long-term project: after the end of the initial project, the articles will be updated every two years. Older versions will remain accessible. The system will be gradually extended with new articles in order to keep pace with the newest developments in the research.

EGO | European History Online in published by the Institute of European History (Institut für Europäische Geschichte – IEG) in Mainz. The chief editors, the directors of the IEG, are supported by an international and interdisciplinary editorial board of around 20 leading experts in their field. The University of Trier's Center for Digital Humanities is responsible for programming and designing EGO. EGO is being funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation – DFG) since 2009.

* The ten thematic threads of EGO | European History Online are:
Theories and Methods
Methodological and theoretical approaches to a transcultural history of Europe

Europe as a communicative space – prerequisites and backgrounds

Spaces of intensified communication

Models and Stereotypes
The creation of models and stereotypes in intercultural transfer processes

Europe on the Road
Migrants and travellers as mediators of intercultural transfer

European Media
The media and media events

European Networks
The transfer of ideas, techniques and practices in networks of personal relationships

Transnational Movements and Organisations
Groups with cross-border programmes and structures

Alliances and Wars
Rejection and learning through military victories and defeats

Europe and the World
Entanglements between and reflections of "Europe" and the Non-European World

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Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
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