Journal of Urban History 50 (2024), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Urban History 50 (2024), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Special Section: Global Urban History Project

Thousand Oaks 2024: Sage Publications
Individual: One Year £70/US$102



Journal of Urban History
United States
Melanie Strauß, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Special Section Introduction

From Books to Airplanes: The Materiality of Global and Urban Entanglements
Mariana Dantas and Carl Nightingale

Special Section Articles

Bogotá’s Librería Colombiana: Between Rural Haciendas and a Global World of Books, 1880s-1900s
Daniela Samur

The Natural Limits to Extraterritoriality: Contested Sovereignty in a Periphery of Ottoman Istanbul
Gabriel Doyle

The Airplane and the Imperial City: A Brief History of Seattle and American Empire
Andrew Hedden

The Ruins of a Steel Mill: Planetary Urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon
Adrián Lerner Patrón

The Anthropocene and a Small Place in China
Brian Spivey


A Walk in Thomas Annan’s Glasgow: Documentary Photography, Class and Urban Space
Vladimir Rizov

Providing the Modern City: Urban Patterns of Socialist Municipal Action in Madrid (1905-1936)
Santiago de Miguel Salanova

Addressing the Modern Regimes of Urban Spectacle: Revisiting the Ottoman General Exhibition of 1863 in Istanbul
Ahmet Erdem Tozoglu

Ludd and Lydda: A Tale of Two Plans
Tawfiq Da’adli

Rats, Gender, and Representation in the War on Poverty: How Cleveland Welfare Rights Activists Defined Democracy, 1964-1966
Kimberly Stahler

Review Essays

Gentrification: Four Books on the Urban Phenomenon from an East Coast Perspective
Daniel Holland

Troubled Waters: New York City’s Waterfront and Wastescapes
William C. Barnett

Redevelopment and Renewal in Revolutionary Places
Stacy Kinlock Sewell

Crisis and Faith: Urban Religion in the Twentieth-Century United States
Suzanna Krivulskaya

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