Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 71 (2023)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 71 (2023)

Washington DC. 2023: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
zweimal im Jahr
Anzahl Seiten
151 S.
Kostenlos vom GHI Washington zu beziehen



Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)
United States
Redaktion: Dr. Richard F. Wetzell German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: wetzell@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430 Abonnement/Bezug der Zeitschrift: Susanne Fabricius German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: fabricius@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430
Richard F. Wetzell, GHI, German Historical Institute Washington

The Spring 2023 issue (no. 71) of the Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington) has been published and is available as an open-access publication at:


If you would like to sign up for a free digital or print subscription to the Bulletin or the GHI Washington's Email Newsletter, please go to: https://www.ghi-dc.org/publications/bulletin



When Democracy Died in Darkness: German-Jewish Responses to Hitler’s Rise in Early 1933
Michael Brenner

Germans and Their Music in the Time of War, 1914-1918
Celia Applegate

Globalizing Landesgeschichte: Reflections on Narrating Germans’ Histories in the Modern Era
H. Glenn Penny

Irrelevant Scapegoat: The Perils of Doing European History in Post-Trump America
Dominique Kirchner Reill


In Search of the Migrant Child: Entangled Histories of Childhood Across Borders
Agnes Arndt

Environments of Inequality: Crises, Conflicts, Comparisons
Nino Vallen

Beyond Work for Pay? Basic-Income Concepts in Global Debates on Automation, Poverty, and Unemployment (1920-2020)
Sarah Zapola and Christoph Eisele

Sixth Bucerius Young Scholars Forum. Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives
Joshua Donovan and Vitalij Fastovskij

German Migrants and Migrating Knowledge in Latin American History
Karina Kriegesmann

Fourth West Coast Germanists’ Workshop: Global Germany
AJ Solovy and Jonathan Lear


New GHI Staff Publications
In memoriam: Thomas L. Hughes (1925-2023)
GHI Staff Changes
GHI Fellowships and Internships: Call for Applications
GHI Fellowship Recipients, 2022-23
GHI Research Seminar and Colloquium, Fall 2022
GHI Spring Lecture Series 2023
GHI Calendar of Events 2023
GHI Library

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