Journal of Modern History 95 (2023), 4

Journal of Modern History 95 (2023), 4

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Organization name
Journal of Modern History
United States
The Editors The Journal of Modern History University of Chicago Social Science Research Building, Box 122 1126 E. 59th Street Chicago, IL 60637 Telephone: (773) 702-7227 Fax: (773) 702-8830
Jakob Schneider, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Table of contents

Sir Edward Coke’s Infidel: Imperial Anxiety and the Colonial Origins of a “Strange Extrajudicial Opinion”
Daragh Grant
pp.: 771-807.

After Sir William Jones: British Linguistic Scholarship and European Intellectual History
Ian Stewart
pp.: 808-846.

Undone from Within: The Downfall of Rudolf Slánský and Czechoslovak-Soviet Dynamics under Stalin
Chad Bryant, Kateřina Čapková, and Diana Dumitru
pp.: 847-886.

Contested Privilege: Ethnic Russians and the Unmaking of the Soviet Union
Anna Whittington
pp.: 887-927.

Keith Tribe, Constructing Economic Science: The Invention of a Discipline, 1850–1950
Rodger Middleton
pp.: 928-930.

John Jeffries Martin, A Beautiful Ending: The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of the Modern World
Ethan H. Shagan
pp.: 930-931.

Giuseppe Marcocci, The Globe on Paper: Writing Histories of the World in Renaissance Europe and the Americas
Andrew Devereux
pp.: 931-933.

Stéphane Jettot and Jean-Paul Zuñiga, eds., Genealogy and Social Status in the Enlightenment
Adrian O’Connor
pp.: 934-935.

Tyler Stovall, White Freedom: The Racial History of an Idea
Alice L. Conklin
pp.: 935-938.

Andrew Fitzmaurice, King Leopold’s Ghostwriter: The Creation of Persons and States in the Nineteenth Century
Steven M. Press
pp.: 938-939.

Jonathan Paine, Selling the Story: Transaction and Narrative Value in Balzac, Dostoevsky, and Zola
Erika Vause
pp.: 940-941.

Philippe Rygiel, L’ordre des circulations? L’Institut de Droit international et la régulation des migrations (1870–1920)
Dirk Hoerder
pp.: 941-943.

Akira Iriye and Petra Goedde, International History: A Cultural Approach
Dan Gorman
pp.: 943-944.

Ian Ona Johnson, Faustian Bargain: The Soviet-German Partnership and the Origins of the Second World War
Evan Mawdsley
pp.: 944-945.

Mary S. Barton, Counterterrorism between the Wars: An International History, 1919–1937
Jonathan W. Daly
pp.: 946-947.

Nathaniël D. B. Kunkeler, Making Fascism in Sweden and the Netherlands: Myth-Creation and Respectability, 1931–40
Arnd Bauerkämper
pp.: 947-949.

Mónica Jato and John Klapper, Fractured Frontiers: The Exile Writing of Nazi Germany and Francoist Spain
Sebastiaan Faber
pp.: 949-951.

Donna A. Seger, The Practical Renaissance: Information Culture and the Quest for Knowledge in Early Modern England, 1500–1640
Eric H. Ash
pp.: 951-952.

David Cressy, England’s Islands in a Sea of Troubles
Keith Pluymers
pp.: 953-954.

Edmond Smith, Merchants: The Community That Shaped England’s Trade and Empire, 1550–1650
Eleanor Hubbard
pp.: 954-956.

Margaret Schabas and Carl Wennerlind, A Philosopher’s Economist: Hume and the Rise of Capitalism
Ryan Patrick Hanley
pp.: 956-958.

Clare Hickman, The Doctor’s Garden: Medicine, Science, and Horticulture in Britain
Elena Romero-Passerin
pp.: 958-959.

Margaret Ward, Fearless Woman: Hanna Sheehy Skeffington, Feminism, and the Irish Revolution
Aidan Beatty
pp.: 959-961.

William Lubenow, Learned Lives in England, 1900–1950: Institutions, Ideas, and Intellectual Experience
Tomás Irish
pp.: 961-963.

Nicole Dyonet, Nicolas Delamare théoricien de la police
Marco Cicchini
pp.: 963-965.

David Parrott, 1652: The Cardinal, the Prince, and the Crisis of the “Fronde.”
Darryl Dee
pp.: 965-966.

Julie Hardwick, Sex in an Old Regime City: Young Workers and Intimacy in France, 1660–1789
E. Claire Cage
pp.: 967-968.

Nina Rattner Gelbart, Minerva’s French Sisters: Women of Science in Enlightenment France
Elizabeth A. Williams
pp.: 968-970.

Sudhir Hazareesingh, Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture
Joseph La Hausse de Lalouvière
pp.: 970-972.

Jennifer J. Popiel, Heroic Hearts: Sentiment, Saints, and Authority in Modern France
Robert D. Priest
pp.: 972-974.

Owen White, The Blood of the Colony: Wine and the Rise and Fall of French Algeria
James McDougall
pp.: 974-975.

Tom Sancton, Sweet Land of Liberty: America in the Mind of the French Left, 1848–1871
Stephen William Sawyer
pp.: 975-977.

Deborah Bauer, Marianne Is Watching: Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and the Origins of the French Surveillance State
Rachel Chrastil
pp.: 977-979.

Sarah Shortall, Soldiers of God in a Secular World: Catholic Theology and Twentieth-Century French Politics
Carol E. Harrison
pp.: 979-981.

Brian Brege, Tuscany in the Age of Empire
William J. Connell
pp.: 981-982.

Patricia Fortini Brown, The Venetian Bride: Bloodlines and Blood Feuds in Venice and Its Empire
Sarah Gwyneth Ross
pp.: 982-984.

Vanda Wilcox, The Italian Empire and the Great War
Michael R. Ebner
pp.: 984-986.

Helen Rodgers and Stephen Cavendish, City of Illusions: A History of Granada
A. Katie Harris
pp.: 986-987.

Lu Ann Homza, Village Infernos and Witches’ Advocates: Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608–1614
Gretchen Starr-LeBeau
pp.: 987-989.

Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco and Peter Anderson, eds., Franco’s Famine: Malnutrition, Disease, and Starvation in Post–Civil War Spain
Pamela Radcliff
pp.: 989-991.

Georg B. Michels, The Habsburg Empire under Siege: Ottoman Expansion and Hungarian Revolt in the Age of Grand Vizier Ahmed Köprülü (1661–76)
Gábor Kármán
pp.: 991-992.

Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, Maria Theresa: The Habsburg Empress in Her Time
Franz A. J. Szabo
pp.: 992-994.

Adam Świątek, Gente Rutheni, Natione Poloni: The Ruthenians of Polish Nationality in Habsburg Galicia
John-Paul Himka
pp.: 995-997.

James Retallack, German Social Democracy through British Eyes: A Documentary History, 1870–1914
Jan Rüger
pp.: 997-998.

Christoph Nonn, 12 Tage und ein halbes Jahrhundert: Eine Geschichte des Deutschen Kaiserreiches, 1871–1928
Jonathan Sperber
pp.: 998-1000.

Michael Brenner, In Hitler’s Munich: Jews, the Revolution, and the Rise of Nazism
Norman J.W. Goda
pp.: 1000-1001.

Kenneth B. Moss, An Unchosen People: Jewish Political Reckoning in Interwar Poland
Piotr J. Wróbel
pp.: 1002-1003.

Raphaël Fèvre, A Political Economy of Power: Ordoliberalism in Context, 1932–1950
Stefan J. Link
pp.: 1003-1005.

Leslie Waters, Borders on the Move: Territorial Change and Ethnic Cleansing in the Hungarian-Slovak Borderlands, 1938–1948
Thomas Lorman
pp.: 1005-1006.

Raffael Scheck, Love between Enemies: Western Prisoners of War and German Women in World War II
Melissa Kravetz
pp.: 1007-1008.

Katrin Schreiter, Designing One Nation: The Politics of Economic Culture and Trade in Divided Germany
Jonathan Wiesen
pp.: 1008-1010.

Andrew Demshuk, Three Cities after Hitler: Redemptive Reconstruction across Cold War Borders
Paul Steege
pp.: 1010-1012.

Gerd Horten, Don’t Need No Thought Control: Western Culture in East Germany and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Paul Betts
pp.: 1012-1013.

Brigid O’Keeffe, Esperanto and Languages of Internationalism in Revolutionary Russia
Jeffrey P. Brooks
pp.: 1013-1015.

Mark D. Steinberg, Russian Utopia: A Century of Revolutionary Possibilities
Jay Bergman
pp.: 1015-1017.

Mark Kramer, Aryo Makko, and Peter Ruggenthaler, eds., The Soviet Union and Cold War Neutrality and Nonalignment in Europe
Austin Jersild
pp.: 1017-1019.

Kristy Ironside, A Full-Value Ruble: The Promise of Prosperity in the Postwar Soviet Union
James W. Heinzen
pp.: 1019-1021.

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