Philological Encounters 8 (2023) 2-3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Philological Encounters 8 (2023) 2-3
Weiterer Titel 
The Late Persianate World: Transregional Connections and the Question of Language

Berlin / Leiden 2023: Brill Academic Publishers
online - print
Anzahl Seiten
193 S.
Privatkunden: € 120,00 (Online); € 120,00 (Print); Institutionen: € 432,00 (online und print); € 396,00 (nur print); € 360,00 (nur online)


Kontakt allgemein

Colinda Lindermann
FU Berlin
Redaktion Philological Encounters
Colinda Lindermann, Berlin, Managing Editor Philological Encounters

This special issue addresses questions of literary modernity in the Persianate world. The papers explore the near-simultaneous encroachment of modernity across varied territories and polities (among them South Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, and the Ottoman lands) and examine the problematics that emerged as a consequence: language politics (classical, vernacular, demotic, national), national canonization, and the disavowal of Persianate genres and epistemes. Rather than indicating the end of the Persianate framework, however, these processes initiated a new stage of literary realignment, a period we identify as the “late Persianate,” in which connections and exchange continued across borders in spite of shifting political and ideological attachments.


Maryam Fatima, Alexander Jabbari, Mehtap Ozdemir: The Late Persianate World: Transregional Connections and the Question of Language

Alexander Jabbari: The Sound of Persianate Modernity: Gendered Soundscapes in Modern Iran

Aria Fani: The Shadow-Texts of National History: Poetic Participation in Iran and Afghanistan

Maryam Fatima and Andrew Amstutz: Fashioning a Persianate Offspring for a Modern India: Urdu Visions of Persian Pasts, 1890s–1950s

Fatima Burney: The Veil of Purity: Tropes of Nineteenth-Century Islamic Reform and Ahmad Khan’s naicar

Levi Thompson: A Formal Foundation for Comparative Study of the Late Persianate

Mehtap Ozdemir: Translation after the Persianate? Omar Khayyam and Late Perso-Ottoman Poetic Connectivity

Samuel Hodgkin: The Poetics of Persianate Disaffiliation: Recusative Gestures for a Royal Genre

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Bestandsnachweise Online: 2451-9197; Print: 2451-9189