Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 11 (2021), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 11 (2021), 2

zweimal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
192 S.
95 CZK / 5 €



Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica
Czech Republic
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica Centrum medievistických studií Jilska 1 110 00 Praha 1 Tschechische Republik
Vaclav Zurek, Centre for Medieval Studies, Institute of Philosophy. Czech Academy of Sciences

Neuerscheinung der Zeitschrift Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica



K otázce kostelů se dvěma faráři v předhusitských Čechách (On the Matter of Churches with Two Parish Priests in Pre-Hussite Bohemia)
pp. 155–175

This study deals with cases in which two priests worked at the same church at the same time.
Each of these parish priests had his own benefice, patrons, and parishioners. These were in fact two parishes united by a common church. In one case, the sources directly document that the parish priests were to take turns in the administration of the church after a week and hand over the tools needed for the office. At the same time, however, the parish priest whose week was in progress was not to prevent the other parish priest from reading Mass, hearing confessions, administering the sacraments, or preaching. For the second half of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century, five such churches with two parish priests are documented in the Prague diocese (Česká Skalice, Cítov, Nesvačily, Onšov, Načeradec). In one case, after the agreement of the patrons in 1414, the two benefices were reunited and only one parish priest was appointed.

Keywords: Prague diocese – ecclesiastical administration – parishes – church patronage – parish priests

The Compactata of Basel in Enea Silvio Piccolomini’s Letters, Speeches and Official Documents
pp. 177–212

The famous Compacts of Basel, treaties between the Hussites and representatives of the Council of Basel in 1436, became an important feature of several late medieval Catholic writings, often aimed at Bohemian Utraquists. That can be easily demonstrated with the example of Enea Silvio Piccolomini’s crucial treatises and speeches from 1451, 1455, 1462, and 1464. This study provides a detailed analysis of these works with respect to Piccolomini’s perception of the Compacts. In the majority of the analysed works, Piccolomini appears to be rather critical of the Hussite Conciliar treaties, often complaining about alleged violations of the Compacts by the Utraquists. In one case, however, the Compacts are presented in a positive way as a document that ought to be confirmed by the Holy See. Despite obvious similarities to other Catholic authors, certain aspects of Piccolomini’s argumentation against or in support of the Compacts seem to be original.

Keywords: Enea Silvio Piccolomini – Compacts of Basel – Utraquists – Catholics – religious
polemic – George of Poděbrady – Martin Lupáč

„Na pranýř jej namalovati dali“. Politická komunikace v pozdně středověké Jihlavě (“They Painted Him on the Pillory”. Political Communication in Late Medieval Jihlava)
pp. 213–257

The study analyses the riots in Jihlava against the town council in the years 1520–1524. In October 1520, a second disaster struck the plague-ridden city when the dykes of the suburban ponds broke and water swept away several houses, drowning more than three dozen people. The townspeople blamed the flood on the town councillors. During the funeral of one of the victims, they openly rejected obedience to the town council, and established a municipality constituted by oath. The municipality claimed a share of power in the town, and demanded influence over the selection of the next councillors, along with compensation for the flood victims and changes to the town’s economic management. The monarch and the Moravian sub-chamberlain, Kuna of Kunštát, gradually became involved in the crisis. While the sub-chamberlain’s decision was in favour of the municipality, the monarch clearly sided with the town council. This study analyses how the composition of the town councils changed during the course of the riots, and what tools and strategies of political communication were used by both sides in their internal relations and with the arbiters of the dispute.

Keywords: Jihlava – town council – urban rebellion – political communication


František Šmahel, Alternativní dějiny, nebo alternativní dějepis? Dvě uměleckohistorická kompendia středověkého umění pohledem historika Dějiny umění v českých zemích 800–2000, edd. Taťána Petrasová – Rostislav Švácha; Imago, imagines. Výtvarné dílo a proměny jeho funkcí v českých zemích od 10. do první třetiny 16. století I–II, edd. Kateřina Kubínová – Klára Benešovská
pp. 259–279


Karolina Adamová – Antonín Lojek – Karel Schelle (ed.) – Jaromír Tauchen, Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české. Stát / Karolina Adamová – Antonín Lojek – Karel Schelle (ed.) – Jaromír Tauchen, Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české. Právo (Marek Starý)
pp. 281–289
Faces of Community in Central European Towns. Images, Symbols, and Performances, 1400–1700, ed. Kateřina Horníčková (Olga Kalashnikova)
pp. 289–293
Éloïse Adde-Vomáčka, La ‘Chronique de Dalimil’. Les débuts de l’historiographie nationale tchèque en langue vulgaire au XIVe siècle (Věra Soukupová)
pp. 294–299

pp. 301–336

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