European History Quarterly 50 (2020), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
European History Quarterly 50 (2020), 2
Weiterer Titel 
The Nation from the Grassroots: Perspectives on Spanish National Identity in the 20th century

London 2020: Sage Publications
Individual: £48.00; Institution: £252.00



European History Quarterly
United Kingdom
Morawski, Paul




Introduction: Approaching Spanish National Identity from the Grassroots
Javier Moreno-Luzón


When Did Nationalism Become Banal? The Nationalization of the Domestic Sphere in Spain
Eric Storm

‘Seeds of Spain’: Scouting, Monarchy and National Construction, 1912–1931
Javier Moreno-Luzón

A Fight for Real Men: Gender and Nation-Building during the Primo de Rivera Dictatorship (1923–1930)
Nerea Aresti

Home Patriots: Spanish Nation-Building at a Local Level in the Primo de Rivera Dictatorship (1923–1930)
Alejandro Quiroga

The Hispano-Moroccan Wars (1859–1927) and the (De)nationalization of the Spanish People
Alfonso Iglesias Amorín

Printing the ‘People’: Populism, Photography, and the Spanish Republican Nation (1931–1936)
Eduardo Hernández Cano

Bibliographic Essay

Recent Writings on the Military History of Spain’s Civil War
Charles Esdaile

Book Reviews

Sergei Anatol’evich Beloborodov and Iuliia Viktorovna Borovik, Starovery gornozavodskogo Urala: stranitsy istorii soglasiia beglopopovtsev/chasovennykh XVIII – nachala XX veka [The Old Believers of the Ural Mining Towns: Pages from the History of the Beglopopovtsy/Chasovennyi Concords, the 18th to the Beginning of the 20th Century]; Peter T. De Simone, The Old Believers in Imperial Russia: Oppression, Opportunism and Religious Identity in Tsarist Moscow
James M. White

Sara Bender, In Enemy Land: The Jews of Kielce and the Region, 1939–1946
Lukasz Krzyzanowski

Arnaud Blin, War and Religion: Europe and the Mediterranean from the First through the Twenty-first Centuries
Jeremy Black

Joseph Bohling, The Sober Revolution: Appellation Wine and the Transformation of France
Marion Demossier

Stephen D. Bowd, Renaissance Mass Murder: Civilians and Soldiers during the Italian Wars
Catherine Fletcher

John Bulaitis, Maurice Thorez: A Biography
Gavin Bowd

Bruno Colson ed., Napoleon: On War
Frederick C. Schneid

Philip A. Dehne, After the Great War: Economic Warfare and the Promise of Peace in Paris 1919; Marcus M. Payk and Roberta Pergher, eds, Beyond Versailles: Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and the Formation of New Polities after the Great War
Gearóid Barry

Camilo Erlichman and Christopher Knowles, eds, Transforming the Occupation in the Western Zones of Germany: Politics, Everyday Life and Social Interactions, 1945–1955
Samantha K. Knapton

Elizabeth Harvey, Johannes Hürter, Maiken Umbach and Andreas Wirsching, eds, Private Life and Privacy in Nazi Germany
Eric Kurlander

Sándor Horváth, Stalinism Reloaded: Everyday Life in Stalin-City
Balázs Apor

Alex J. Kay and David Stahel, eds, Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe
Katrin Paehler

Meighen McCrae, Coalition Strategy and the End of the First World War: The Supreme War Council and War Planning, 1917–1918
Michael S. Neiberg

Elidor Mëhilli, From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the Socialist World
Samuel Foster

Albert Pleysier and Alexey Vinogradov, Exiled to Stalin’s Prisons
Peter Whitewood

Daniela Saresella, Catholics and Communists in Twentieth-Century Italy: Between Conflict and Dialogue
Dianne Kirby

Ismar Schorsch, Leopold Zunz: Creativity in Adversity
Howard Lupovitch

Michael Seidman, Transatlantic Antifascisms: From the Spanish Civil War to the End of World War Two
Gilles Vergnon

Farid Shafiyev, Resettling the Borderlands: State Relocations and Ethnic Conflict in the South Caucasus
Vadim Mukhanov

J. C. Sharman, Empires of the Weak: The Real Story of European Expansion and the Creation of the New World Order
Benedikt Stuchtey

Marek Tamm and Laurent Olivier, eds, Rethinking Historical Time: New Approaches to Presentism
Sina Steglich

Dmitri Trenin, Russia
George Gilbert

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