Labor History 60 (2019), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Labor History 60 (2019), 2
Weiterer Titel 

Carfax 2019: Taylor & Francis
4 issues per year
Institutional: US$316/£191; Individual: US$75/£53



Labor History
United Kingdom
Wolff, Sarah

Labor History is the pre-eminent journal for historical scholarship on labor. It is thoroughly ecumenical in its approach and showcases the work of labor historians, industrial relations scholars, labor economists, political scientists, sociologists, social movement theorists, business scholars and all others who write about labor issues. Labor History is also committed to geographical and chronological breadth. It publishes work on labor in the US and all other areas of the world. It is concerned with questions of labor in every time period, from the eighteenth century to contemporary events. Labor History provides a forum for all labor scholars, thus helping to bind together a large but fragmented area of study. By embracing all disciplines, time frames and locales, Labor History is the flagship journal of the entire field. All research articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.



Leveraging liminality: how San Diego taxi drivers used their precarious status to win reform
Jill Esbenshade, Elizabeta Shifrin & Karina Rider
Pages: 79–95 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1533729

The British, the Tudeh party and the 1947 World Federation of Trade Unions’ visit: battle for labour reform in Iran
Rowena Abdul Razak
Pages: 96–109 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1537022

A stolen revolution: popular class mobilisation in Burkina Faso
Bettina Engels
Pages: 110–125 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1552746

The evolution of industrial relations in Nepal: a biological evolutionary perspective
Bojindra Prasad Tulachan & Troy B. Felver
Pages: 126–143 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1537030

Fordism: a review essay
Daniel Watson
Pages: 144–159 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1537031

Book Reviews

Labor Under Fire: A History of the AFL-CIO Since 1979
Tula Connell
Pages: 160–163 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1534316

The color of law: the forgotten history of how our government segregated America
Fidan Ana Kurtulus
Pages: 162–163 / DOI: 10.1080/0023656X.2019.1534318

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