The English Historical Review 133 (2018), 560

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The English Historical Review 133 (2018), 560
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Wolff, Sarah

First published in January 1886, The English Historical Review (EHR) is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in the English-speaking world. It deals not only with British history, but also with almost all aspects of European and world history since the classical era: it covers the history of the Americas, including the foreign policy of the USA and her role in the wider world, but excludes the internal history of the USA since Independence, for which other scholarly outlets are plentiful. The EHR includes major Articles, ‘Notes and Documents’, and Debates on medieval and modern themes, as well as an unusually extensive range of Reviews and Shorter Notices of books published throughout the world. A summary of international periodical literature published in the previous twelve months is also provided.



Between Papacy and Empire: Cardinal Henry Beaufort, the House of Lancaster, and the Hussite Crusades
Mark Whelan

‘The Great Blow’ and the Politics of Popular Royalism in Civil War Norwich
Andrew Hopper

Chinese and British Diplomatic Gifts in the Macartney Embassy of 1793
Henrietta Harrison

A Service Ready for Total War? The State of the Royal Navy in July 1914
Matthew S Seligmann

Book Reviews

The Baltic: A History, by Michael North, tr. Kenneth Kronenberg
Georg Christ

The Grass Roots of English History: Local Societies in England before the Industrial Revolution, by David Hey
Mark Hailwood

The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches, ed. Michael Johnston and Michael Van Dussen
Richard Gameson

The Donatist Schism: Controversy and Contexts, ed. Richard Miles
Robin Whelan

Art in Spain and Portugal from the Romans to the Early Middle Ages: Routes and Myths, by Rose Walker
Wendy Davies

Bonds of Wool: The Pallium and Papal Power in the Middle Ages, by Steven A. Schoenig, SJ
R N Swanson

Before the Gregorian Reform: The Latin Church at the Turn of the First Millennium, by John Howe
Sarah Hamilton

Prigionia di guerra nel medioevo. Un’altura in mezzo alla pianura: l’Italia dell’’ ‘incivilimento’, by Hannelore Zug Tucci
G Geltner

The Task of the Cleric: Cartography, Translation, and Economics in Thirteenth-Century Iberia, by Simone Pinet
Geraldine Hazbun

The Talents of Jacopo da Varagine: A Genoese Mind in Medieval Europe, by Steven A. Epstein
Frances Andrews

The Auchinleck Manuscript: New Perspectives, ed. Susanna Fein
Helen Cooper

Health and the City: Disease, Environment and Government in Norwich, 1200–1575, by Isla Fay
Sophie Mann

Money and Finance in Central Europe during the Later Middle Ages, ed. Roman Zaoral
J L Bolton

Guzmán: La casa ducal de Medina Sidonia en Sevilla y su reino: 1282–1521, by Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada
Teofilo F Ruiz

The Great Transition: Climate, Disease and Society in the Late-Medieval World, by Bruce M.S. Campbell
Samuel J Cohn, JR

Procès politiques au temps de Louis XI: Armagnac et Bourgogne, ed. Joel Blanchard
David Potter

The Oromo and the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia, 1300–1700, by Mohammed Hassen
Andreu Martínez D’Alòs-Moner

Rural Society and Economic Change in County Durham: Recession and Recovery, c.1400–1640, by A.T. Brown
David Rollison

Early Modern Catholics, Royalists, and Cosmopolitans: English Transnationalism and the Christian Commonwealth, by Brian C. Lockey
Gerard Kilroy

Governing by Virtue: Lord Burghley and the Management of Elizabethan England, by Norman Jones
Natalie Mears

Elizabeth I and Her Circle, by Susan Doran
Neil Younger

The Italian Reformation outside Italy: Francesco Pucci’s Heresy in Sixteenth-Century Europe, by Giorgio Caravale
M Anne Overell

Food and Identity in England, 1540–1640: Eating to Impress, by Paul S. Lloyd
Sally Templeman

Aspiration, Representation and Memory: The Guise in Europe, 1506–1688, ed. Jessica Munns, Penny Richards and Jonathan Spangler
Kevin Gould

Supernatural and Secular Power in Early Modern England, ed. Marcus Harmes and Victoria Bladen
Anna French

The Literature of the Arminian Controversy: Religion, Politics, and the Stage in the Dutch Republic, by Freya Sierhuis
Hugh Dunthorne

Medici Women: The Making of a Dynasty in Grand Ducal Tuscany, ed. Judith C. Brown and Giovanna Benadusi
Toby Osborne

Loyal Protestants and Dangerous Papists: Maryland and the Politics of Religion in the English Atlantic, 1630–1690, by Antoinette Sutto
Christopher P Gillett

John Owen and English Puritanism: Experiences of Defeat, by Crawford Gribben
Samuel Fornecker

The Crisis of British Protestantism: Church Power in the Puritan Revolution, 1638–44, by Hunter Powell
Chris R Langley

Knowledge and the Public Interest, 1575–1725, by Vera Keller
Michael Hunter

Anne Clifford’s Great Books of Record, ed. Jessica L. Malay
David X Carpenter

Women and Petitioning in the Seventeenth-Century English Revolution: Deference, Difference and Dissent, by Amanda Jane Whiting
Naomi Pullin

Accounting for Affection: Mothering and Politics in Early Modern Rome, by Caroline Castiglione
M Laven

History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth: State—Society—Culture, by Urszula Augustyniak, tr. Grażyna Waluga and Dorota Sobstel
Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski

Anglican Enlightenment: Orientalism, Religion and Politics in England and its Empire, 1648–1715, by William J. Bulman
William Gibson

Experiencing Exile: Huguenot Refugees in the Dutch Republic, 1680–1700, by David van der Linden
Philip Major

Louis XIV Outside In: Images of the Sun King Beyond France, 1661–1715, ed. Tony Claydon and Charles-Édouard Levillain
Stewart Tolley

Los caballeros de las Órdenes Militares castellanas: Entre Austrias y Borbones, by Domingo Marcos Giménez Carrillo
Christopher Storrs

Perfecting Perfection: Essays in Honour of Henry D. Rack, ed. Robert Webster
G M Ditchfield

Settler Jamaica in the 1750s: A Social Portrait, by Jack P. Greene
Gad Heuman

Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive, by Marisa J. Fuentes
Natalie Zacek

The Common Cause: Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution, by Robert G. Parkinson
T Rodgers

Lay Activism and the High Church Movement of the Late Eighteenth Century: The Life and Thought of William Stevens, 1732–1807, by Robert M. Andrews
Colin Haydon

Indian and Slave Royalists in the Age of Revolution: Reform, Revolution and Royalism in the Northern Andes, 1780–1825, by Marcela Echeverri
Anthony McFarlane

University, Court, and Slave: Pro-Slavery Thought in Southern Colleges and Courts and the Coming of the Civil War, by Alfred L. Brophy
Robin Vandome

Steamboats on the Indus: The Limits of Western Technological Superiority in South Asia, by Clive Dewey
Nitin Sinha

Uncertain Futures: Essays about the Irish Past for Roy Foster, ed. Senia Pašeta
Kevin Kenny

Parties, Agents and Electoral Culture in England, 1880–1910, by Kathryn Rix
Alex Middleton

Inszenierung oder Legitimität?/Monarchy and the Art of Representation: Die Monarchie in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Ein deutsch-englischer Vergleich, ed. Frank-Lothar Kroll and Dieter J. Weiss
Frank Lorenz Müller

The Great Labour Unrest: Rank-and-File Movements and Political Change in the Durham Coalfield, by Lewis H. Mates
David Howell

Universities and Elite Formation in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, ed. Florian Bieber and Harald Heppner
Irina Marin

Year Zero of the Arab—Israeli Conflict: 1929, by Hillel Cohen
Matthew Hughes

The New Deal: A Global History, by Kiran Klaus Patel
Gareth Dale

Modernism in England: Londoner U-Bahnhöfe und der Deutsch–Englische Architekturtransfer vor 1933, by Ulrike Weber
Matthew Jefferies

Die völkische Ordnung von Armut: Kommunale Sozialpolitik im nationalsozialischen München, by Florian Wimmer
Nicole Kramer

Belonging to the Nation: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands, 1939–1951, by John J. Kulczycki
Sarah A Cramsey

Sweden after Nazism: Politics and Culture in the Wake of the Second World War, by Johan Östling
John Gilmour

I Documenti diplomatici italiani. Undicesima serie: 1948–1953. Vol. VI: 27 luglio 1951–30 giugno 1952, ed. Pietro Pastorelli and Francesco Lefebvre D’Ovidio
R J B Bosworth

Liking Ike: Eisenhower, Advertising, and the Rise of Celebrity Politics, by David Haven Blake
Iwan Morgan

The Vatican ‘Ostpolitik’ 1958–1978: Responsibility and Witness during John XXIII and Paul VI, ed. András Fejérdy
Andrea Di Stefano

The Afterlife of Idealism: The Impact of New Idealism on British Historical and Political Thought, 1945–1980, by Admir Skodo
Michael Bentley

The Nobel Factor: The Prize in Economics, Social Democracy, and the Market Turn, by Avner Offer and Gabriel Söderberg
Peter Sloman

Kenneth Kaunda, the United States and Southern Africa, by Andy DeRoche
Chris Saunders

The Road to Soweto: Resistance and the Uprising of 16 June 1976, by Julian Brown
Tom Lodge

Velvet Revolutions: An Oral History of Czech Society, by Miroslav Vanĕk and Pavel Mücke
Mary Heimann

Spirits of Community: English Senses of Belonging and Loss, 1750–2000, by K.D.M. Snell
Kate Smith

The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History, by Timothy Cheek
Elina Sinkkonen

The University of Oxford: A History, by L.W.B. Brockliss
J R Maddicott

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