BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review 132

Titel der Ausgabe 
BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review 132
Weiterer Titel 
Blurring Boundaries: Towards a Medical History of the Twentieth Century

four times a year in print and online as an Open Access journal. Book reviews appear online only and continuously.
Anzahl Seiten
online in Open Access; printed journal: individual issues € 25,00 / subscriptions from € 45,00



BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review
Managing Editor BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap Huygens ING Postbus 10855 NL 1001 EW Amsterdam tel. +31 (0)20-2246814
Mreijen, Anne-Marie

BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review was founded in 1877 and is the leading academic journal for the history of the Netherlands, Belgium and their global presence. It publishes research and review articles which explore broad and important issues in the history of the Low Countries, and seeks to do so in a wider comparative context. In creating discussion fora, online and in print, and in publishing book reviews, the journal aims to enliven historical debate among both professional historians and a wider interested public. Rigorously peer-reviewed, BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review seeks to present the best historical scholarship of both young and more established scholars. The journal accommodates all historical subdisciplines and covers every period of history since the Middle Ages. It accepts contributions in Dutch and English.


Tabel of Contents
Inhoud jaargang 132 (2017)

From the Editors
S. 1


Blurring Boundaries: Towards a Medical History of the Twentieth Century
Frank Huisman, Joris Vandendriessche and Kaat Wils
S. 3

‘A Medical Docotor in Politics’.
Els Borst-Eilers and the Rise of Evidence-Based Healthcare in the Netherlands
Nele Beyens and Timo Bolt
S. 16

Expansion through Separation. The Linguistic Conflicts at the University of Leuven in the 1960s from a Medical History Perspective
Joris Vandendriessche and L Liesbet N Nys
S. 38

Medical Orders: Catholic and Protestant Missionary Medicine in the Belgian Congo 1880–1940
Sokhieng Au
S. 62

Who owns Salmonella? The Politics of Infections shared by Human and Livestock in the Netherlands, 1959-1965
Floor Haalboom
S. 83

‘We the Avant-Garde’. A History from Below of Dutch Heroin Use in the 1970s
Gemma Blok
S. 104

Experts by Experience.
Lay Users as Authorities in Slimming Remedy Advertisements, 1918–1939
Hieke Huistra
S. 126

Material Objects in Twentieth Century History of Psychiatry
Benoît Majerus
S. 149

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