Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 62 (2017), 2

Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 62 (2017), 2
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München 2017: de Gruyter
2x jährlich
Print-Abonnement 54,00 €, Online-Abonnement 54,00 €, Print und Online 72,00 €, Einzelheft 32,00 €



Organization name
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (ZUG)
Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte e.V. Sophienstraße 44 D - 60487 Frankfurt am Main phone: (069) 97 20 33 14 / 15 fax: (069) 97 20 33 57
Hoppe, Florian

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Table of contents

Aufsätze (Articles)

Michael C. Schneider
Das wissenschaftliche Unternehmen (163–203)
The scientific enterprise. Chemical-pharmaceutical research at E. Merck, Darmstadt, ca. 1900 to 1930
This article deals with the development of academic research within the pharmaceutical firm E. Merck, Darmstadt, between 1900 and 1930. One main purpose is to clarify to what extent the widespread notion is justified that external research gave way for internal research in order to maintain a leading position in innovativeness. Therefore the article analyses the way of co-operation between Merck and Richard Willstätter in the case of cocaine-synthesis around 1900, and the co-operation with Adolf Windaus with regard to vitamin D during the 1920s. The article concludes that internal research was indeed intensified during the interwar period, on the one hand. But this development is, on the other hand, better understood as a necessary precondition if the firm wanted prospectively be able to participate at novel developments in vitamin chemistry. The co-operation between the chemical laboratory of the university of Goettingen, the Merck research laboratory, and the pharmaceutical laboratory of I.G. Farbenindustrie AG are more aptly interpreted as an interconnected research network in which each part contributed original insights and, occasionally, breakthroughs.

Michael Buchner
Private club or public marketplace? (205–232)
This paper contributes to the literature on the organisation and governance of stock exchanges by taking the perspective of property rights theory. Focusing on the examples of the London and Berlin stock exchanges, which followed quite opposite paths of development during the second half of the 19th century, the paper provides three major results. First, it shows that historical stock exchanges were much more characterised by institutional variety and evolution than recent economic accounts tend to suggest. Secondly, drawing on a theoretical model developed by Oliver Hart and John Moore, the paper argues that differences in membership structure as well as in the competitive environment constituted the main driving forces behind organisational change both in London and in Berlin. Finally, it is claimed that future research should take the public dimension of Continental bourses more strongly into account, which, for example, has important implications for the question of whether stock exchanges established property rights in prices or not

Alan Canonica
Konventionen der Arbeitsintegration (233–255)
Conventions of Occupational Integration. The Employment of Disabled People in Swiss Enterprises (1950 to 1980)
Disabled people's access to the labour market is one of the leading ideas in disability policy. Its success depends on the willingness of employers to employ handicapped people. Both historical and social studies focus on the welfare state or the people in question, while the perspective of the employers is often neglected. Under what conditions are companies willing to employ people whose performance diverges from the common interest to maximise economic output? Switzerland is well suited for a case study, since there are no regulations for employers, such as a quota-system. Incorporating the theory of «économie des conventions», this study investigates how employers' associations and companies justify employment of disabled people and how these people are valued. The timeframe investigated spans from the immediate post-war period to 1980.

Dirk HR Spennemann
Bourgeois Aspirations: A biographical sketch of Hector Ledru, manufacturer and inventor (1798 to 1876) (257–297)
During the first half of the nineteenth century, the French economy underwent a major technological change, with small and medium-scale entrepreneurs driving the industrialisation by developing and exploiting new technologies. This paper examines the life of one such entrepreneur, Hector Ledru (ca. 1798 to 1876), who started out in the sugar industry of the post Napoleonic era. He soon morphed into an entrepreneur exploiting patents in the manufacture of wooden barrel manufacture, galvanised iron and metal pipes, before he settled on the manufacture and installation of central heating systems. Ledru serves as an example of the archetypical small and later medium-scale entrepreneur making his way in post Napoleonic France, never reaching national fame, but all the way adjusting to the various social and economic circumstances.

Aus aktuellem Anlass (Current discussion and debate)

Harm G. Schröter
Quo vadis Kartelldiskurs?

Martin Shanahan
On Academic debate: A comment on the discussions between Leonhardt,
Roelevink and Berghahn

Rezensionen (Reviews)

Hartmut Berghoff, Moderne Unternehmensgeschichte. Eine themen- und theorieorientierte Einführung (Thomas Hermann)

Mark Spoerer, C&A. Ein Familienunternehmen in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Großbritannien 1911–1961 (Jonathan Voges)

The Rise of the Global Company. Multinationals and the Making of the Modern World (André Steiner)

Jörn Brinkhus (Hg.), Kaiser Wilhelm II., Bremen und der Norddeutsche Lloyd. Die «Lebenserinnerungen» des NDL-Direktors Heinrich Wiegand (Harald Wixforth)

Felix de Taillez, Zwei Bürgerleben in der Öffentlichkeit. Die Brüder Fritz Thyssen und Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza (Uwe Fliegauf)

Klaus Tenfelde/Toni Pierenkemper (Hrsg.) , Geschichte des deutschen Bergbaus. Motor der Industrialisierung (Uwe Fliegauf)

Marcel Boldorf/Rainer Haus (Hrsg.) , Die deutsche Kriegswirtschaft im Bereich der Heeresverwaltung 1914–1918 (Christian Kleinschmidt)

Zur Rezension in der Geschäftsstelle eingegangene Bücher

Mitteilungen (Announcements)

Preis für Unternehmensgeschichte

Business History Review

Erratum zu: Erlebniswelt im Zeichen des Elches. Zur «Fabrikation der Sichtbarkeit» in der Geschichte von Abercrombie & Fitch

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