Judaica Bohemiae 49 (2014), 2

Judaica Bohemiae 49 (2014), 2
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Judaica Bohemiae
Czech Republic
Židovské muzeum v Praze Judaica Bohemiae U Staré školy 1, 3 110 01 Praha 1 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 221 711 576 (577)
Cermanova, Iveta

A new issue of the journal Judaica Bohemiae (49/2014, 2) came out in December 2014. This volume includes an analysis by Branislav Šprocha and Pavol Tišliar of the demographic situation of the Jewish population in Slovakia between the two world wars on the basis of a comparison with other Jewish communities in Czechoslovakia. The next paper, by Markéta Lhotová and Vlastimila Hamáčková, explores in detail the way that Jewish organizations were liquidated in the annexed Czech border regions during the Second World War. The third of the main studies, by Miloslav Szabó, focuses on populist antisemitism and examines the tension between antisemitic semantics and practice, which to this day partially influences historical reflection on antisemitic and nationalistic discourses of the day. It provides an interesting contribution to the discourse on the theory and methodology of research into modern antisemitism.

In the Reports section, Arno Pařík provides information on a completed project involving the revitalization of Jewish sites in the Czech Republic, and Pavel Kocman together with Helmut Teufel discuss the oldest known depiction of the Jewish town and synagogue in Mikulov, dating from 1711.

In the final section of the journal, Jiřina Šedinová reviews Rachel L. Greenblatt's book “To Tell Their Children”. Jewish Communal Memory in Early Modern Prague (2014), and Pavel Kocman reviews Alfred Damm's book Weitersfeld / Schaffa. Zur Geschichte einer jüdischen Landgemeinde an der mährischen Grenze in der Neuzeit. Eine Spurensuche (2012).

Table of contents



Branislav Šprocha – Pavol Tišliar: The Demographics of the Jewish Population of Slovakia between the Two World Wars

Vlastimila Hamáčková – Markéta Lhotová: Die Liquidation der jüdischen Organisationen in den annektierten Grenzgebieten im Lichte der Materialien mdes Stiko Reichenberg I.

Miloslav Szabó: Populist Antisemitism. On the Theory and Methodology of Research into Modern Antisemitism


Arno Pařík: Synagogues, Schools and Rabbinic Houses. Revitalization of Jewish Sites in the Czech Republic Completed

Pavel Kocman – Helmut Teufel: Die älteste bekannte Abbildung der Judenstadt und der Synagoge in Nikolsburg (Mikulov) aus dem Jahr 1711


Rachel L. Greenblatt, “To Tell Their Children”. Jewish Communal Memory in Early Modern Prague (Jiřina Šedinová)

Alfred Damm, Weitersfeld / Schaffa. Zur Geschichte einer jüdischen Landgemeinde an der mährischen Grenze in der Neuzeit. Eine Spurensuche (Pavel Kocman)

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