German History 33 (2015), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
German History 33 (2015), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Germans and Brazilians




German History. The Journal of the German History Society (GH)
United Kingdom
Bridget Heal E-Mail: <> Jim Bjork Secretary of the German History Society History Department King’s College London Strand Building London WC2R 2LS United Kingdom
Beaumont, Alex

New special issue of German History ‘Germans and Brazilians’

Guest editor: H. Glenn Penny (The University of Iowa)

Volume 33 Issue 3, September 2015



Table of Contents


Historiographies in Dialogue: Beyond the Categories of Germans and Brazilians
by H. Glenn Penny

The Ambivalence of Slavery, The Certainty of Germanness: Representations of Slave-Holding and Its Impact Among German Settlers in Brazil, 1820–1889
by Eugene S. Cassidy

Hermann von Ihering: Shifting Realities of a German-Brazilian Scientist from the Late Empire to World War I
by Ute Ritz-Deutch

‘Auslandsdeutschtum’ in Brazil (1919–1941): Global Discourses and Local Histories
by Frederik Schulze

The Enduring Politics of German-Brazilian Ethnicity
by Glen S. Goodman

A Lost Homeland, a Reinvented Homeland: Diaspora and the ‘Culture of Memory’ in the Colony of Danube Swabians of Entre Rios
by Méri Frotscher


An Empire of Communication
by Michael North

Book Reviews:

Clothing the Clergy: Virtue and Power in Medieval Europe, c. 800–1200
Reviewed by Erik Niblaeus

Der Leichnam im Mittelalter: Einbalsamierung, Verbrennung und die kulturelle Konstruktion des toten Körpers
Reviewed by Joachim Whaley

Kreuzzug und regionale Herrschaft: Die älteren Grafen von Berg 1147–1225
Reviewed by Christoph T. Maier

Gemeinsam leben: Spiritualität, Lebens- und Verfassungsformen klösterlicher Gemeinschaften in Kirche und Gesellschaft des Mittelalters
Reviewed by Sita Steckel

Nach der Fehde. Studien zur Interaktion von Adel und Rechtssystem am Beginn der Neuzeit: Bayern 1500–1600
Reviewed by Nikolas M. Funke

Monastic Prisons and Torture Chambers: Crime and Punishment in Central European Monasteries, 1600–1800
Reviewed by Babette Reicherdt

Kranke Ehre? Adlige Selbsttötung im Übergang zur Moderne
Reviewed by Vera Lind

Romantik und Freiheit: Wechselspiele zwischen Ästhetik und Politik
Reviewed by Philipp Müller

Joseph Görres: Die Biografie
Reviewed by Rebecca Ayako Bennette

Bürger zweiter Klasse? Juden auf dem Land in Preußen, Lothringen und Luxemburg
Reviewed by Sarah Panter

The Challenges of Globalization: Economy and Politics in Germany, 1860–1914
Reviewed by Woodruff D. Smith

Sozialstaat und Gesellschaft: Das deutsche Kaiserreich in Europa
Reviewed by Jonathan Sperber

Wissensproduktion im Staat: Das königlich preußische statistische Bureau 1860–1914
Reviewed by Erik Grimmer-Solem

Die ‘Dirne’, der Bürger und der Staat: Private Erziehungsheime für junge Frauen und die Anfänge des Sozialstaates in der Deutschschweiz, 1870er bis 1930er Jahre
Reviewed by James C. Albisetti

Sex, Freedom and Power in Imperial Germany, 1880–1914
Reviewed by Jens-Uwe Guettel

Military Culture and Popular Patriotism in Late Imperial Austria
Reviewed by John Deak

Berlin Coquette: Prostitution and the New German Woman, 1890–1933
Reviewed by Robert Beachy

Neue Welten in der Neuen Welt: Die transnationale Geschichte des Allgemeinen Jüdischen Arbeiterbundes 1897–1947
Reviewed by Isabella Löhr

Spartakus: The Symbology of Revolt
Reviewed by John Ondrovcik

The Crisis of Genocide, vol. I: Devastation: The European Rimlands, 1912–1938
The Crisis of Genocide, vol. II: Annihilation: The European Rimlands, 1939–1953
Reviewed by Donald Bloxham

The German Right in the Weimar Republic: Studies in the History of German Conservatism, Nationalism and Antisemitism
Reviewed by Allan Borup

Der Dollfuß-Mythos: Eine Biographie des Posthumen
Reviewed by Janek Wasserman

Becoming a Nazi Town: Culture and Politics in Göttingen Between the Wars
Reviewed by Dirk Schumann

Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust
Reviewed by Bradley J. Nichols

Gesundheit und Krankheit im Spiegel von Petitionen an den Landtag von Baden-Württemberg 1946 bis 1980 (Beihefte Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 40)
Reviewed by Dagmar Ellerbrock

Strangers in the Wild Place: Refugees, Americans and a German Town, 1945–1952
Reviewed by D.R. Dorondo

Erfahrungsbruch und Generationsbehauptung: Die ‘Kriegsjugendgeneration’ in den beiden deutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaften
Reviewed by Kathryn Sederberg

German Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democratic Renewal: Culture and Politics after 1945
Reviewed by Jens Hacke

‘Nie wieder Auschwitz!’ Die Entstehung eines Symbols und der Alltag einer Gedenkstätte 1945–1955
Reviewed by Dirk Thomaschke

Operationsroboter in Aktion: Kontroverse Innovationen in der Medizintechnik
Reviewed by Heiko Stoff

Authentizität und Gemeinschaft: Linksalternatives Leben in den siebziger und frühen achtziger Jahren
Reviewed by Timothy Brown

Rosa Zeiten? Eine Geschichte der Subjektivierung männlicher Homosexualität in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren der BRD
Reviewed by Peter Rehberg

Inventing the Muslim Cool: Islamic Youth Culture in Western Europe
Reviewed by Alexander Clarkson

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