900. Per una storia del tempo presente 4 (2011)

900. Per una storia del tempo presente 4 (2011)
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zweimal jährlich (März und November)
€ 24,00



Organization name
900. Per una storia del tempo presente
editorial board: c/o Istituto Storico di Modena Via Ciro Menotti 137 I-41100 Modena, Italy tel.: ++39059219442/++39059242377 fax: ++39059214899
Selva, Simone

As never before, today oil is dripping-dry. It is in shortage, and a late search for alternative energy sources in under way. Notwithstanding, oil comes with a century long history: during the first half of the Twentieth century it was widely known at an early stage as the most important cheap energy to fuel a mass consumption growth model., and later on - in the course of the 1970s- as the main cause for the worldwide economic downturn. Thereafter, throughout the last thirty years, both in the academia and in the broader public discourse it was at the center of a compelling debate on environmental problems. In this respect it was thought of as at variance with our earth environment. In the light of the ongoing world energy crisis and the on stream debate on ‘the end of oil’, this books offers a long term historical account on the role and relevance of oil in the history of the Twentieth century through a tidy investigation of the relationships among the oil producing economies and the oil consuming industrialized countries. Spanning from the Middle East to Western Africa, from the very periphery of the American continent to the Soviet Union, this work pinpoints the interplay between oil economics and the development of the international relations system throughout the century, its role in shaping the oil producing countries political and labour regimes, as well as its ratio to the ascendancy and failure of mass consumption models based on oil and hydrocarbon compounds.

Table of contents


Elisabetta Bini e Simone Selva, Introduzione


Katayoun Shafiee, Il settore petrolifero iraniano tra conflitto industriale e irreggimentazione della manodopera, 1922-1951

Rania Gghosn, La pianificazione e costruzione di una infrastruttura energetica. il caso della trans-arabian pipeline (Tapline)

David Webster, Petrolio, imperi e nazionalismo economico. il Saskatchewan e l’Indonesia a confronto, 1944-1963

Ferdinando Fasce, Immaginare la benzina. mezzo secolo di pubblicità Erg, 1950-2000

Ksenia Demidova, La politica degli Stati Uniti nei confronti dell’influenza sovietica sull’Europa occidentale, 1973-1985

Michael Watts, Crimini dimenticati. Vita, morte e inganno nei giacimenti petroliferi della Nigeria


Timothy Mitchell, La democrazia del carbonio

Andrea Prontera, Petrolio e relazioni internazionali


Simone Misiani, Il futuro democratico nella comunicazione dell’Eni di Enrico Mattei


Francesco Petrini, Ascesa e declino dell’età dell’oro (nero). L’industria del petrolio tra interessi privati, conflitto sociale e relazioni internazionali

Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, La creazione del modello petrolifero: società, stato e ambiente agli albori di un’industria

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