Journal of Genocide Research 13 (2011), 3

Journal of Genocide Research 13 (2011), 3
Other title information 

Published on
New York 2011: Routledge
Print ISSN: 1462-3528 Online ISSN: 1469-9494
184 S.
Institutional: US$395/£239; Individual: US$78/£50; Members of the Int. Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) 40 Euro/year



Organization name
Journal of Genocide Research
United Kingdom
Journal of Genocide Research; c/o Prof. Dr. Dirk Moses; Frank Porter Graham Distinguished Professor of Global Human Rights History Department of History, University of North Carolina CB # 3195 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 Senior Editor, Journal of Genocide Research Vertrieb: T&F Customer Services T&F Informa UK Ltd Sheepen Place Colchester, Essex CO3 3LP, UK +44 (0) 20 7017 5544 - General enquiries
Moss, Dirk

Table of contents


Correction: page 203

Genocide studies for the twenty-first century: a departing editor's perspective
Jürgen Zimmerer
pages 205-208

Beyond Gaddafi: sustainable prevention in the face of environmental injustice: some words of praise but also caution!
Mark Levene
pages 209-215

Pogroms, mob violence and genocide in western Ukraine, summer 1941: varied histories, explanations and comparisons
Wendy Lower
pages 217-246

Risk and resilience to mass atrocities in Africa: a comparison of Rwanda and Botswana
Deborah Mayersen & Stephen Mcloughlin
pages 247-269

The special adviser on the prevention of genocide: adding value to the UN's mechanisms for preventing intra-state crises?
Aidan Hehir
pages 271-286

Review Essay:
Enough is enough: the illegitimacy of international criminal convictions: a review essay of Fact-Finding Without Facts, The Uncertain Evidentiary Foundations of International Criminal Convictions by Nancy Amoury Combs
Beth S. Lyons
pages 287-312

Review forum:
Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin
John Connelly, Mark Roseman, Andriy Portnov, Michael David-Fox & Timothy Snyder
pages 313-352

Book reviews:
The Politics of Genocide
Martin Shaw
pages 353-358

Killing Neighbors: Webs of Violence in Rwanda
David Simon
pages 359-361

‘If You Leave Us Here, We Will Die’: How Genocide Was Stopped in East Timor
Morton Winston
pages 362-365

Genocide and Fascism: The Eliminationist Drive in Fascist Europe
Guy Lancaster
pages 366-369

The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, Memorialisation
Mark Levene
pages 370-374

Model Nazi: Arthur Greiser and the Occupation of Western Poland
Benjamin Lieberman
pages 375-376

The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses
Richard Menkis
pages 377-378

The Memory of the Holocaust in Australia
Catriona MacIvora
pages 379-381

Urbicide: The Politics of Urban Destruction
Hannibal Travis
pages 382-387

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Holdings 1462-3528