Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121 (2010), 2

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Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121 (2010), 2
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Stuttgart 2010: Kohlhammer Verlag
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Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte Redaktion Prof. Johannes Helmrath Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmrath


Inhalt und Abstracts:

Christoph Joest
Die Iudicia im Ganzen des pachomianischen Regelkorpus
Seiten 145-165

The third section of the Pachomian rules called Iudicia is meant to serve a housemaster as penal code. It was connected to the Instituta before the Praecepta were added to the two. It is true, we have only the Latin version of the Iudicia, but it can be proven that the text is rooted in a Coptic original by scrutinising the Biblical quotations of its prologue. The content shows many relationships to other writings of St. Pachomius (the letters, the catechesis, the other Sections of the rules) and displays typical features of Pachomius’s thinking that there can be no doubt that the Iudicia stem from him. Since the rules were used alongside of each other and are different in focus there is no way to reconstruct a hierarchy of originmeaning one part developing out of another. All we can reach is a relative chronology. When we compare the punishments enacted in the four parts of the rules we may come to the conclusion that in this respect the Iudicia could be somewhat older than the other three.

Aloysia Jostes
„Principium professionis nostrae quemadmodum uel unde descenderit, primum debetis agnoscere.“ Zum historischen Selbstverständnis der Devotio moderna
Seiten 166-188

Fundamental changes characterized religious life in the 14th and 15th century; no other era saw the emergence of as many new orders, congregations and reform movements. One of those is the Devotio moderna. The construction of a specific historical self-awareness became of vital importance to the Modern devout: the brothers and sisters of the Common life exemplified the devout ideal in its original form, but because of their canonical status halfway between clergy and laity they first of all needed to ascertain the legitimacy of their way of life in apologetical treatises. On the other hand, the canons and canonesses regular of the Windesheim congregation were positioned halfway between the devout ideal and the traditions of the ordo canonicus. Johannes Busch, Johannes Gielemans, Johannes Mauburnus and Petrus Impens defined this position from different perspectives in large-scale works dealing with the history of the monasteries, the congregation and the order.

David d’Avray und Julia Walworth
The Council of Trent and Print Culture: Documents in the archive of the Congregatio Concilii
Seiten 189-204

In the context of the Council of Trent’s re-structuring of papal government, the Congregation of the Council was founded in 1564 and entrusted with the task of implementing the Reform Decrees of Trent.In the hitherto little explored ‘Positiones’ fondo of the Congregation are preserved memoranda laying out a plan for a Printing House directed by the papacy, and entrusted with the publication of the Latin Bible, etc. One of them purports to be from representatives of the printing industry. It explains what would be needed for a papal press, notably with respect to organisation and structure.In this way the papacy was brought into contact with the new printing industry.

Im Rahmen der Tridentinischen Neugestaltung der kurialen Strukturen wurde die 1564 entstandene Congregatio Concilii mit der Verwirklichung der Reformdekrete des Konzils beauftragt. Im bisher wenig erforschten Positiones Fondo der Kongregation sind Denkschriften vorhanden, welche Pläne für eine vom Papsttum geleitete Druckerei, die für die Ausgabe von Bibeleditionen usw. zuständig sein sollte, beschreiben.

Stefan Michel
Doctrina et consolatio. Zur katechetischen Funktion der Trost- und Leichenpredigt bei Johann Mathesius (1504–1565)
Seiten 205-222

Source analyses represent Luther’s pupil Johann Mathesius (1504–1564) as a reflected theologian and minister, able to display in his consolation and funeral sermons the reformatory theology (doctrina) as consolation (consolatio). Being personally induced to deal with this matter, working on this kind of sermon increased significantly after the death of his wife in 1555. Yet only the knowledge about the right doctrine (christology, doctrine of justification, eschatology) is not sufficient –to prove the consolations worth in times of grief and agony, it must be learned and understood during the lifetime. With his pointed dependence on Luther’s doctrine Mathesius contributes sustainably to the formation of a lutheranian culture of denomination.

Kritische Miszelle
Manfred Weitlauff, Der Siegeszug des Papalismus. Von Febronius bis in die Gegenwart
Seiten 223-243

Anschriften der Mitarbeiter an dem Heft und Vorankündigung Aufsatzteil 3/2010
Seite 244

Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen
Seiten 245-286

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