RIHA Journal 0008 (2010)

RIHA Journal 0008 (2010)
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Published on
München 2010: Selbstverlag
kostenfrei (Open Access)



Organization name
RIHA Journal. Journal of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art
Dr. Andrea Lermer Managing Editor RIHA Journal Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10 80333 München Tel. + 49 (0)89 289 27 588 Fax + 49 (0)89 289 27 607 riha-journal@zikg.eu a.lermer@zikg.eu
Wenninger, Regina

Neuer RIHA Journal-Beitrag beleuchtet frühneuzeitliche Diplomatiegeschichte im Spiegel von Text und Bild. – Mit umfangreichem Quellenanhang.

Table of contents

Susan Tipton:
Diplomatie und Zeremoniell in Botschafterbildern von Carlevarijs und Canaletto


The article investigates representations of entries and audiences of European ambassadors and envoys within the context of early modern diplomacy. Focussing on works by Carlevarijs, Canaletto and contemporaries, the genre of diplomatic images, defined by their emphasis on ceremonial detail, is followed back into the early 17th century when the practice of diplomatic exchange and the protocol for representatives of state in international affairs were first established. In the light of new archival material, diplomatic imagery is discussed from the customer perspective and analyzed in the context of the interior decoration of the embassy, the audience chamber and reception rooms of ambassadors' homes. A close reading of the images and the confrontation with contemporary sources provides new insight into a somewhat neglected genre of painting with significance not only for the history of art, but also for political iconography, ceremonial history, and early modern diplomacy.

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