Julia Angster Ronald G. Asch Jan C. Behrends Hartmut Berghoff Tim Blanning Frank Bösch Guido Braun Kai Brodersen Susanna Burghartz Sebastian Conrad Eckart Conze Christoph Cornelißen Volker Depkat Jost Dülffer Astrid M. Eckert Josef Ehmer Jacques Ehrenfreund Joachim Eibach Andreas Fahrmeir Norbert Finzsch Etienne François Mary Fulbrook Peter Funke Christian Geulen Martin H. Geyer Dieter Gosewinkel Abigail Green Rebekka Habermas Johannes Helmrath Manfred Hettling Gerhard Hirschfeld Hartmut Kaelble Wolfram Kaiser Martina Kaller-Dietrich Friedrich Kießling Jürgen Kocka Martin Kohlrausch Birthe Kundrus Karl Christian Lammers Achim Landwehr Simone Lässig Ursula Lehmkuhl Chris Lorenz Christoph Marx Michael Matheus Mischa Meier Gabriele Metzler Jürgen Miethke Pierre Monnet Olaf Mörke Dietmar Neutatz Wilfried Nippel Paul Nolte Alexander Nützenadel Marek Jan Olbrycht Ilaria Porciani Stefan Rebenich Folker Reichert Frank Rexroth Andreas Rödder Dominic Sachsenmaier Adelheid von Saldern Birgit Schäbler Wolfgang Schmale Helga Schnabel-Schüle Petra Schulte Hubertus Seibert Hannes Siegrist Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger Benedikt Stuchtey Birgit Studt Winfried Süß Claudia Tiersch Stefan Troebst Bärbel Völkel Christina von Hodenberg Michael Wildt Michael Zeuske Claudia Zey
| | Patrick J. GearyProfessor of History, University of California Los Angeles LebenslaufProfessor of History, UCLA 1993-present Visiting Professor, Central European University, 2003 Lawrence Stone Visiting Professor, Princeton University, 2002 Professor of History and Robert M. Conway Director, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame, 1998-2000 Directeur d'Etudes associé, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales, Paris, 1984, 1990, 2003 Director, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, July, 1993 to 1998 Director, UCLA Humanities Consortium, October, 1996 to 1998 Professor of History, University of Florida, 1986 to 1993 Associate Professor, University of Florida, 1980 to 1986 Gast Professor, Universität Wien, 1983 Assistant Professor, Princeton University, 1974-1980 1974 Ph.D. in Medieval Studies, Yale University 1973 M.Phil. in Medieval Studies, Yale University 1970 A.B. summa cum laude in Philosophy, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama Monographien, Herausgeberschaften- Furta Sacra: Thefts of Relics in the Central Middle Ages Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1978. Revised edition 1991. French translation Le Vol des Reliques. Aubier, 1993. Italian translation Coltura e Pensiero 2000.
- Aristocracy in Provence: The Rhone Basin at the Dawn of the Carolingian Age. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia; Anton Hiersemann Verlag, Stuttgart, 1985.
- Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World, Oxford University Press, New York, 1988. French translation, Le monde Mérovingien Flammarion, 1989. German Translation, Die Merowinger, C. H. Beck, 1996 Korean Translation Vistabooks, 1999.
- Civilization in the West, with Mark Kishlansky and Patricia O'Brien. New York, HarperCollins, 1990. Second revised edition 1995. Third revised edition 1997.
- The Unfinished Legacy: A Brief History of Western Civilization, with Mark Kishlansky and Patricia O'Brien. New York, HarperCollins, 1992.
- Societies and Cultures in World History, with Mark Kishlansky, Patricia O'Brien, and Bin Wong. New York, HarperCollins, 1994.
- Living with the Dead in the Middle Ages, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1994. Japanese translation Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd, 1999. Published electronically by ACLS History E-Book Project, 2002.
- Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the end of the first Millennium, Princeton University Press, 1994. French translation Aubier 1996.
- Medieval Germany in America. German Historical Institute Annual Lecture 1995 (German Historical Institute, 1996).
- The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002. German Translation: Europäische Völker im frühen Mittelalter. Zur Legende vom Werden der Nationen. Frankfurt: Fischer, 2002.
- Céline: Remembering Louisiana 1850-1871, University of Georgia Press, Athens, 1988. French Translation, Ma Louisiane au temps de la Guerre de Sécession, Perrin, Paris, 1990.
- Readings in Medieval History, Broadview Press, 1989. Second revised edition 1997.
- Translation of Heinrich Fichtenau, Lebensordnungen des 10. Jahrhunderts: Studien über Denkart und Existenz im einstigen Karolingerreich (Stuttgart: 1984). Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1991.
- with Gerd Althoff and Johannes Fried, Medieval Concepts of the Past: Ritual, Memory, Historiography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
- Co-author with Gene Rosow, six one-hour television programs for R & B Pictures (Santa Monica) and Raphael Films, (Paris, France) Chevalier.
Homepage: http://www.history.ucla.edu/geary/ |