Annonces de projets
Comptes rendus
CR de colloques


The Network for the Contemporary History of Europe

Point focal actuel

CFP: Images and Counter-images East and West: Expectation and Observance
Institute for Contemporary History, Ljubljana
Co-organizer: Pasts Inc., Institute for Historical Studies, Central European University, Budapest
13.10.2006–14.10.2006, Ljubljana

CFP: From Samizdat to Tamizdat: Dissident Media out of Central Eastern Europe after 1945
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (Potsdam), Stanford University (Stanford), Central European University (Budapest), Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Vienna)
12.09.2006–15.09.2006, Wien/Vienna, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Spittelauer Lände 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria,
Deadline: 15.05.2006

Tagber: Municipalism, Regionalism, Nationalism. Hybrid Identity Formations and the Making of Modern Europe
Centre for Research on the Cultural Forms of Modern European Politics at the University of Manchester
10.03.2006–12.03.2006, Manchester

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The EurhistXX network is formed by institutions engaged in empirical research on contemporary history.

Editor: Annelie Ramsbrock, Tel.: 0331/2899129

© 2003-2025 EurhistXX.