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Travel and exchange grants - ESF Scientific Programme in the Humanities

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InformerBerger, Stefan <>
Published on17.03.2006
Modern history (1789-1914), 20th Century
CountryUnited Kingdom
Institution:University of Manchester, Manchester

ESF Scientific Programme in the Humanities
Representations of the Past: National Histories in Europe

Call for Travel (Short Visit and Exchange) Grants

General Information

The aim of this five-year ESF Scientific Programme (NHIST), which started in May 2003, is to:

analyse in depth national historiographies and their relationship to wider national historical cultures;

study systematically the construction, erosion and reconstruction of national histories across a wide variety of European states;

bridge the existing historiographical gap within Europe by bringing together the histories of Western and Eastern Europe;

methodologically converge cultural transfer and comparative approaches in examining the relationship between national historiographies and national historical cultures.

Programme Teams

The programme is the collaborative effort of more than ninety leading scholars from almost 30 European countries. Its agenda is being implemented by four teams which cover the following areas:

- the institutions, networks and communities which produced national histories and were themselves influenced by the idea of national history (Team 1, led by Professor Ilaria Porciani, University of Bologna),

- the construction, erosion and reconstruction of national histories in their relationship with competing representations structured by the social divisions in a society such as class, race/ethnicity, religion and gender (Team 2, led by Professor Chris Lorenz, Free University Amsterdam),

- national histories and their relationship with regional, European and world histories (Team 3, led by Dr Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig, and Professor Lluis Roura y Aulinas, Autonomous University of Barcelona),

- the national histories in their spatial relationships and mutual interdependency with other national histories (Team 4, led by Dr Frank Hadler, University of Leipzig and Professor Tibor Frank, University of Budapest).

Funding Terms

The Programme has a small fund to support research into areas of the programme which have been identified as in need of further research. These areas are listed below. For all grants the following terms apply:

- Grants are available for Short Visits of up to 15 days, and Exchanges from 15 days to 6 weeks;
- Short Visit grants are reimbursed on the basis of an allowance of 85 EUR per day, plus actual travel costs (on the basis of APEX fares) up to a maximum of 500 EUR;
- Exchange grants are reimbursed on the basis of an allowance of 400 EUR per week / 57 EUR per day, plus actual travel costs (on the basis of APEX fares) up to a maximum of 500 EUR;
- Applicants must undertake work in the areas specified below;
- They must apply for a stay in a European country other than the country of origin;
- Grantees must return to the institute of origin upon termination, so that their institute may also benefit from their broadened knowledge;
- Grantees must acknowledge the ESF in publications resulting from their work in relation to the grant.

Specific areas within the programme for which Short Visit and Exchange grants are available:

- the gendering of national narratives in historiography,
- institutions (university chairs; research institutes), networks and communities relevant to the production of histories in the 19th and 20th centuries with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe – projects relating directly to Prof. Ilaria Porciani’s Atlas project will be given preference,
- international, especially American, research institutions which were engaged in research on European history,
- institutions of exile historians,
- non-university institutions and their role in the writing of national history,
- the 19th and 20th century national series of source editions,
- the genesis of the great works of synthesis of national history,
- the interrelationship between national and class narratives in national histories,
- the interrelationship between national and religious narratives in national histories,
- the interrelationship between national and ethnic narratives in national histories,
- traditions of world, trans-national and imperial history writing in Europe,
- issues of overlapping national histories and their treatment in historiography.


Applications must demonstrate that they will contribute to the research areas specified above. Applicants should be scholars from European universities and/or research institutes based in the countries which agencies are the ESF Member Organisations. Applicants are advised to consult the directory of ESF Member Organisations on the ESF website at

Priority will be given to the scholars from those ESF Member Organisations which have financially committed themselves to this programme. Presently the following countries are the programme donors (listed in alphabetical order): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.

A small number of participants from European countries without the representation at the ESF and/or from the countries outside Europe may also be selected, providing their expertise can significantly contribute to the research areas specified above.

Application Procedures

Applicants are asked to submit online the ESF application form for a
Short Visit or Exchange grant. The forms can be accessed from the
relevant Programme website, under ‘Grants, Calls and Applications’. Applications should include the information listed below:

Short Visit grant applications:
- A short description of the proposed project work (about 250 words) and the aim of the visit,
- A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages,
- Full address details of the prospective host(s),
- Proposed starting date,
- Estimated travel costs

Exchange grant applications:
- A short description of the proposed project work (about 1000 words) and the aim of the visit
- A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages,
- Five most recent publications,
- A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work,
- A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institution,
- Full address details of the prospective host(s),
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs

The application is by email only. It should contain a brief summary of the proposed paper (ca 250 words) and an autobiographical paragraph, including the main publications and two referees.

The submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Executive Group of the Programme. Presently, the Executive Group consists of Programme Chair, Professor Stefan Berger (University of Manchester, UK), two Co-chairs, Professors Christoph Conrad (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and Guy P. Marchal (University of Lucerne, Switzerland), two members of the Steering Committee, Professors Dusan Kovac (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) and Jo Tollebeek (University of Leuven, Belgium) and all six team leaders as listed above.
NB: If a member of the Executive Group happens to be academically involved with an applicant, he or she will be disallowed from the selection process in that particular case.

Deadline: 27 April 2006


Stefan Berger

School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

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