During the 1998 centenary of Brecht's birth, Siegfried Mews (UNC at Chapel Hill) and Marc Silberman (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison) will codirect an NEH-funded summer seminar for college teachers in Berlin on one of the most influential twentieth-century playwrights and theoreticians of the theater.

The seminar will draw attention both to "Weimar Culture" and postwar German cultural developments. Holding the seminar in Berlin will offer participants the unique opportunity to closely read a selection of Brecht's texts and to gain access to specialized research facilities while taking advantage of centenary events such as stage productions and exhibitions. The seminar focus will encourage participants to situate readings and discussions within the socio-cultural context and literary traditions of Brecht's Berlin, formulate and plan research projects, and discuss ways in which Brecht's texts may be productively used in the undergraduate classroom.

Sponsored by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the six-week seminar will take place from 8 June to 17 July 1998. It is intended for undergraduate teachers from fields such as German Studies, drama and theater history, music history, comparative literature, cultural studies, and intellectual history. Applicants need not be completely fluent in German, but they will be expected to read Brecht's plays in the original and to understand spoken German.

Fifteen participants will receive stipends of $3,700 each, an amount from which they are required to pay room, board, travel, and incidental expenses. Application deadline: 1 March 1998. For further information and application materials (available at the beginning of October), please contact:

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: Siegfried Mews <>
Subject: NEH Seminar
Date: 10.9.1997

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