Media in Action. Interdisciplinary journal on cooperative media 1 (2017), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Media in Action. Interdisciplinary journal on cooperative media 1 (2017), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Siegen 2017: Selbstverlag
Anzahl Seiten
156 S.
10 €



Media in Action. Interdisciplinary journal on cooperative media
Media in Action CRC Media of Cooperation SFB Medien der Kooperation Herrengarten 3 D-57068 Siegen Germany
Henrich-Franke, Christian

The dynamics of contemporary media have created a fast-paced field, in which academic studies are often challenged, both methodologically and theoretically, to keep pace with current developments in media, technology and society. In our view, the question of cooperation is a crucial issue surrounding these dynamics. Digital networked media in particular can be viewed as cooperative platforms, enabling people to work together, share experiences and information about their lives, and interact with each other. This is, however, not a new phenomenon: the media have always been vital for connecting individuals, groups or whole societies. Likewise, cooperation is a fundamental feature of all human endeavors. The journal Media in Action aims to explore how to connect the two observations that (1) contemporary digital media are prima facie media of cooperation and (2) media and cooperation have been tightly enmeshed long before the digital age. This question lies at the core of this interdisciplinary journal on cooperative media.



Introducing Media in Action and Media of Cooperation.

Research Articles

Erhard Schüttpelz: Infrastructural Media and Public Media.

Thematic Focus: Fundaments of Digitisation

Benedikt Neuroth: Data Politics. The Early Phase of Digitalisation within the Federal Government and the Debate on Computer Privacy in the United States during the 1960 s and 1970s.

Guido Koller: The Central Register of Foreigners – A short history of early digitisation in the Swiss Federal Administration.

Michael Homberg: Who is leading innovation? German computer policies, the ‘American challenge’ and the technological race of the 1950s and 1960s.

Matthias Röhr: Home Computer on the Line – The West German BBS Scene and the Change of Telecommunications in the 1980s.

Christian Henrich-Franke: And Postal Services? The Universal Postal Union and the Digitisation of Communication in the 1980s.


Michael Lynch: Media of Cooperation: Ethnomethodology, GPS, and Tacit Knowledge

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