Titel der Ausgabe 
Ethnologia Europaea 43 (2013), 2
Weiterer Titel 
Foodways Redux

Copenhagen 2013: Museum Tusculanum Press
The journal is published half-yearly
Anzahl Seiten
92 S.
150 DKK, 26 $, 20 €



Ethnologia Europaea
United Kingdom
Assoc. Prof. Marie Sandberg (University of Copenhagen) E-Mail: <sandberg@hum.ku.dk>; Prof. Monique Scheer (Eberhards Karls Universität Tübingen) E-Mail: <monique.scheer@uni-tuebingen.de>
Sandberg, Marie

During the last decades television shows have turned chefs into celebrities, and food and cooking have become an integrated part of the lifestyle and entertainment industries. At the same time food has scare-potential; food-related health problems and global food security are more prominent than ever, showing that anxieties, fears and hostility are as intimately connected with food as the joyful meal. These dynamics of late modern foodways lead to new or modified food products and services, as well as new habits and routines. New investigations of everyday food practices are thus in order: Why do people forage for berries in the forest or mobilize resources to find traditional cheese when cheaper varieties are easily available in the nearest supermarket? Why do consumers spend time in front of their computers chatting with the supplier of organic apples at the other end of the globe and how come that the seemingly trivial practice of eating cake in Norway has turned into an act of anxiety? By bringing such questions to the table, the articles in this issue of Ethnologia Europaea provide perspectives on the dynamics of contemporary food consumption and production and its effects and meanings in everyday life.



Håkan Jönsson: Chef Celebrities, Foodstuff Anxieties and (Un)Happy Meals. An Introduction to Foodways Redux. (p. 5)

Jón Thór Pétursson: Eduardo’s Apples. The Co-Production of Personalized Food Relationships. (p. 17)

Ester Bardone: Strawberry Fields Forever? Foraging for the Changing Meaning of Wild Berries in Estonian Food Culture. (p. 30)

Fabio Mattioli: The Property of Food. Geographical Indication, Slow Food, Genuino Clendestino and the Politics of Property. (p. 47)

Sarah May: Cheese, Commons and Commerce. On the Politics and Practices of Branding Regional Food. (p. 62)

Runar Døving and Maja Garnaas Kielland: Cake Is Hala, Fat Is Sinful. Cake and Representation in Norway. (p. 78)

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