Monsters and the Monstrous 2 (2012), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Monsters and the Monstrous 2 (2012), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Special Issue: Monstrous Memory

Anzahl Seiten
102 S.
GBP 39,95 (Privatpersonen, zwei Nummern), GBP 79,95 (Institutionen, zwei Nummern), GBP 25,95 (Einzelnummer)



Monsters and the Monstrous
United Kingdom
Inter-Disciplinary.Net Priory House 149B Wroslyn Road Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR, Großbritannien
Kreuter, Peter Mario

“Monsters and the Monstrous” is a biannual peer reviewed global journal that serves to explore the broad concept of “The Monster” and “The Monstrous” from a multifaceted inter-disciplinary perspective. The journal publishes work that seeks to investigate and assess the enduring influence and imagery of monsters and the monstrous on human culture throughout history. In particular, the journal will have a dual focus with the intention of examining specific ‘monsters’ as well as evaluating the role, function and consequences of persons, actions or events identified as ‘monstrous’. The history and contemporary cultural influences of monsters and monstrous metaphors will also be examined.



Tilde Acuna: Queen Inang Yellow, 1–2

Maria Antónia Lima: Artistic Monstrosities in New Gothic Art. Creating Shock Waves which Help us Find a Lost Sense of Ourselves, 3–9

Stephen Morris: Come Hell or High Water, 11–13

Curt Herr: Ziska. Voluptuous Vamp, Sinister Seducer, Dangerous Dame, 15–23

Love Joy Lagrosa Raza: Matchbox Love, 25

Sabrina Zerar: Female Monsters in Kabyle Myths and Folktales: Their Nature and Functions, 27–37

Kristy Crites: Becoming the Temptress…, 39

Kathy McKay: Hungry, Angry Ghosts. A Construction of Female Suicide in Traditional China, 41–46

Tilde Acuna: First Shadow, 47–48

Justine Gieni: ‘A Contagion Within’. Male Hysteria and Survivor Guilt in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life, 49–59

Evelyn Tsitas: The Heart Wants What It Wants, 61–66

Margo Collins: Buffy’s Dark Descendants. Cultural Memory and the Created Family in Supernatural Teen Dramas, 67–78

Sukhdev Singh & Miranda Das: Locomonster Memory of Colonial Modernity, 79–80

Simon Bacon: ‘This is Something Very Old—or Something Very Very New!’ The New ‘Old Vampire’ in Fright Night by Craig Gillespie (2011), 81–92

Book Reviews

Anne Billson: Devil’s Advocates. Let the Right One In (Simon Bacon), 92–96

Peter S. Beagle & Joe R. Lansdale (eds): The Urban Fantasy Anthology (Margo Collins), 96–98

W. Scott Poole: Monsters in America. Our Historical Obsession with the Hideous and the Haunting (Joe Laycock), 98–100

Deborah Christie & Sarah Juliet Lauro (eds): Better Off Dead. The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human (Ken Monteith), 100–102

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