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Das Historische Buch 2002

Thomas Angerer
Jörg Baberowski
Jan C. Behrends
Susanne Benöhr-Laqueur
Susanna Burghartz
Jacques Ehrenfreund
Andreas Fahrmeir
Norbert Finzsch
Mary Fulbrook
Peter Funke
Martin H. Geyer
Rebekka Habermas
Johannes Helmrath
Hartmut Kaelble
Karl Christian Lammers
Achim Landwehr
Dieter Langewiesche
Ursula Lehmkuhl
Chris Lorenz
Ralf Lusiardi
Mischa Meier
Pierre Monnet
Igor Narskij
Wilfried Nippel
Marek Jan Olbrycht
Jürgen Osterhammel
Ilaria Porciani
Christine Reinle
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Hubertus Seibert
Hannes Siegrist
Claudia Tiersch
István György Tóth
Beate Wagner-Hasel
Michael Zeuske
Susan Zimmermann

Prof. Dr. John J. Breuilly

University of Birmingham

Kurzer Lebenslauf mit den wichtigsten akademischen Stationen

Geburtsjahr und -ort; Aufgewachsen / Schulabschluss in: London, 1946; A-levels in History, Geography and English

Studienfächer und -dauer, Studienorte: History and Politics, York University, 1965-68; Ph.D York University 1968-72

Abschlüsse: (Studium, Promotion, Habilitation) First class honours BA (Hons) in History and Politics in 1968; Ph.D (History) awarded in 1978.

Thema der Promotion: German (especially Hamburg) labour history in mid-19th century

Tätigkeiten an Hochschulen oder Forschungseinrichtungen: 1997-2001, Professor of Modern History and Head of Department, University of Birmingham

Zurückliegende Forschungsschwerpunkte: German labour history, comparative social history of 19th century England and Germany; nationalism

Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte: comparative cultural history of selected provincial cities in mid-19th century Germany (Hamburg), France (Lyon) and England (Manchester, and also Birmingham and Leeds)

Wichtige Monographien oder Herausgeberschaften: Nationalism and the State (2nd.ed., 1993, Manchester and Chicago); Joachim Friedrich Martens (1806-1877) und die Deutsche Arbeiterbewegung [with Wieland Sachse] (Göttingen, 1984); Labour and liberalism in nineteenth-century Europe: essays in comparative history (Manchester & New York, 1992); Editor: The State of Germany: the national idea in the making, unmaking and remaking of a nation-state (London, 1992); Co-edited with G.Niedhart and A.Taylor, The Era of the Reform League: English Labour and Radical Politics 1857-1872. Documents Selected by Gustav Mayer (Mannheim, 1995); The Formation of the First German Nation-State, 1800-1871 (London, 1996); Nationalismus und moderner Staat. Deutschland und Europa (= Kölner Beiträge zur Nationsforschung 6), (Köln, 1999); Editor: 19th Century Germany: Politics, Culture and Society 1780-1918 (London, 2001); Austria, Prussia and Germany: 1806-1871 (Harlow, 2002)

Wichtige Mitgliedschaften und Auszeichnungen: Chair of German History Society, 1999-2002. Visiting Professorships at Hamburg University (1987-88) and Bielefeld University (1992-93); Fellow of Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 2001-02.

Fragen zur historischen Forschungslandschaft und zu aktuellen Debatten

2. a) Wie kamen Sie zur Geschichtswissenschaft? Was hat Sie motiviert, Geschichte zu Ihrem Beruf zu machen?

I loved it at school and shifted back to it after starting a degree in social sciences. One of my teachers (Hans Koch) stimulated an interest in German history where I tried to pursue the kind of social and labour history for Germany which had been made central for England in the late 1960s by historians such as E.P.Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm.

2. b) Die Geschichtswissenschaften haben in den zurückliegenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Erweiterungen und Neuorientierungen der Frageansätze und Forschungsperspektiven erfahren. Welche halten Sie für die interessanteste und folgenreichste?

Although I reject the more extreme forms of cultural history and the "linguistic turn", I think trying to bring together the history of music, painting, architecture, literature together with a broader cultural and social history has been very important. I also think rigorous comparative history based on archival research into all the cases compared is still poorly developed but there are an increasing number of outstanding studies of this kind.

2. c) Sehen Sie Forschungsfelder, denen man künftig mehr Aufmerksamkeit widmen sollte?

Comparative history which includes eastern Europe, Asia and Africa in addition to the usual focus on western Europe and the USA.

Homepage: http://www.igs.bham.ac.uk/