
Wissenschaftliche Konferenzen sind ein wichtiger Motor der historischen Forschung. Tagungsberichte informieren die Leser/innen knapp und übersichtlich über zurückliegende geschichtswissenschaftliche Konferenzen und Workshops.

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    Von Antonio Pattori, History Faculty & University College, University of Oxford; Maximilian Diemer, History Departement, University of Oxford
    Kristine Dyrmann, Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
    Oxford, 19.09.2023 – 20.09.2023
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    Von Daria Akhapkina, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, Warwick
    Beat Kümin, Warwick History / My-Parish; John Craig, Simon Fraser / Records of Early English Drama;Daniel Gettings / Maria Tauber, Warwick History
    Coventry, 13.05.2023
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    Von Gregory Mole, Department of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of History and UNC Winston House European Studies Center; King’s College London, Department of History and Department of War Studies
    London, 30.05.2013 – 01.06.2013
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    Von Thomas Biskup, University of Hull; Madeleine Brook, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages; Katrin Kohl / Seán Williams, Jesus College, University of Oxford;
    Thomas Biskup, University of Hull; Katrin Kohl, University of Oxford; Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam; Voltaire Foundation, Oxford
    Oxford, 13.07.2012 – 14.07.2012
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    Von Linnéa Rowlatt, University of Kent / Freie Universität Berlin
    German Historical Institute London; German History Society
    London, 26.10.2012
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    Von Linnéa Rowlatt, Erasmus Mundus Fellow, University of Kent/Freie Universität Berlin
    David Lederer, National University of Ireland, Maynooth; Angela Schattner, German Historical Institute London
    London, 09.12.2011
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    Von Hanno Plass, Universität Hamburg
    Leo Baeck Institute London; The Wiener Library, London
    London, 28.04.2008 – 29.04.2008
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    Von Catriona Kennedy, Kirstin Schäfer and Leighton James
    AHRC/DFG Project Group ‘Nations, Borders and Identities: The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in European Experience and Memories’ (Technical University, Berlin, Berlin College for Comparative History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of York) and German Historical Institute, London
    London, 24.02.2006 – 25.02.2006