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From: csite@mtapti.hu (Csite Andras)
Subject: CFP: Rural developments in Europe (Hungary 2.-5.10.1997)
Date: Thursday, June 19, 1997 18:33:04 MET

Call for papers/expression of interest

Dear colleagues

The European countryside has been both an inexhaustible source for raw materials and labour force in the industrial development and also the source of values and feelings, adopted and constructed by various political ideologies and movements. Through centuries socio-economic structure and social movements in the countryside have had an impact on and formulated the ideological and political life of European nation-states. Such a connection is widely accepted as far as long term historical processes are concerned, but its implications for today's Europe seem to be more or less forgotten. This is the basic reason for our attempt to launch a debate around the topic 'actors in the European countryside in transition.'

A variety of concrete and actual questions are of concern under this topic. It also opens connections, however, to wider questions, such as (1) what is the role of agrarian structures and rural social forces in societal development, (2) is there one (or several) special way (ways) through modernity in non-core European countries (compare Nordic Welfare model) (3) in what way the history of countryside impacts upon today's transition in post-socialist countries.

Shortly, we consider it is of great importance to discuss and analyse actual European changes both in historical and comparative perspective. To be more concrete, after socialism some basic actors ar e withdrawing from the countryside, the state and collective farms primarily. It is an open question, who will be occupying this space: former agricultural workers, multinational corporations, political forces, .... In Western countries state bureaucracy is partly replaced by a project machinery, individuals adopt new reflexivity as consumers or entrepreneurs, values as well as markets are `gree ning' after the half a century long dominance of productionist agriculture.

We are calling for contributions following this context. A small working seminar will be arranged in Hungary in October 2-5, 1997. Contributions to this seminar should have sense of historical development but most of them might concentrate on the 1990's. Regions of interest will be Central and Eastern post-socialist Europe, Northern Europe (including Ireland and Scotland) and the Mediterranean. The papers should concentrate on actors in certain country(ies) or region(s). The following aspects should be concerned in the papers:

If you have an interest to keep in touch with us, please indicate this interest by e-mail to <leo.granberg@helsinki.fi> or <mszt@mailhost.mtapti.hu> or by mail no later than June 30, 1997.

Leo Granberg
Swedish School of Social Science (FISS)
PB 16
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Imre Kovach
HAS Institute for Political Science (MTA PTI)
H-1068 Budapest
Benczur u. 33.

If you are interested in the seminar and wish for more information, please inform us about the item and the idea of your possible contribution.

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