Western integration, German unification and the Cold War - The Adenauer Era in perspective

Western integration, German unification and the Cold War - The Adenauer Era in perspective

BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University, in cooperation with the German Historical Institute, Washington DC,
Riggs Library, Georgetown University
Washington D.C.
United States
Vom - Bis
24.03.2006 - 25.03.2006
Jost Dülffer

Western integration, German unification and the Cold War - The Adenauer Era in perspective


Friday/Saturday, 24/25 March 2006

Friday 9.30-11:00 Panel I

1. Introduction: Konrad Adenauer and the “Potsdam complex” – The fear of an understanding of the Big Four without Germany (Jost Dülffer, Universität zu Köln/Georgetown University)

2. The Soviet Union and the stability of two German states (Wilfried Loth, Universität Duisburg-Essen)

Fr. 11:15-13:15 Panel II

3. The Western Powers and the limits of their engagement for “reunification” I: The United States (Christian Ostermann, Woodrow Wilson Center)

4. The United Kingdom, Adenauer, and the German Question, 1949-1963 (Henning Hoff, Independent Scholar, Cambridge, UK)

5. France and the German Dilemma from Schuman to de Gaulle (William Hitchcock, Temple University)

Fr. 2:30- 4:00 Panel III

6. The East German Approach to Unification, Relations with West Germany, and the Soviet Union (Hope Harrison, George Washington University)

7. "Tripartite? – Never!" The role of the territories east of the Oder-Neisse (Pertti Ahonen, University of Edinburgh)

Fr. 4:30- 6:00 Panel IV

8. “Reunification” and western integration in the opinion polls of the FRG (Anja Kruke, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)

9. „Wiedervereinigung durch Westintegration“? Ambivalence, Skepticism, and Hostility from Social Democrats (Daniel Rogers, University of South Alabama)

Keynote Speech (Friday Evening): Hans Mommsen (Emeritus – Universität Bochum): The Origins of the ChancellorDemocracy and the Change of the Democratic Paradigm in West Germany.

Sat 9:00-10.30 Panel V

10. The FRG and Western European integration: politics vs. economy? (Guido Thiemeyer, Universität GHS Siegen/Universität GHS Kassel)

11. The Economic Miracle -- Help or Hindrance to German Unification? (William Glenn Gray, Purdue University)

Sat. 10:45-12:45 Panel VI

12. Rendering a State Visible: State Visits in the Federal Republic of Germany (Simone Derix, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung)

13. On the road to post-nationalism? Sports competition between the the two Germanies in the era of Adenauer(Martin Geyer, Universität München)

14. Representation without Emulation? West Germany's Cultural Diplomacy and the Search for an Endurable Position after World War Two. (Johannes Paulmann, International University Bremen)


Jost Dülffer, BMW Center for German and European Studies jpd44@georgetown.edu
Bernd Schaefer, German Historical Institute schaefer@ghi-dc.org

Please follow announcements also under:
http://www.ghi-dc.org/conferences/adenauer_prog.html ;

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Working titles as of January 20,2006

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