"Finlux" Seminar on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre

"Finlux" Seminar on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre

Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), University of Luxembourg
Directorate Meeting Room, 4th floor of the 'Maison des Sciendes Humaines', Campus Belval., 11, Porte des Sciences; L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette
Vom - Bis
18.09.2018 - 18.12.2018
Benjamin Zenner

‘FinLux’ is a series of seminars held on a monthly basis and focusing on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre. The fundamental theme of the seminars is a reflection on which topics, actors, sources, and methods can be used to write the history of the Luxembourg financial centre.

From its inception, the C²DH has decided to make the history of the Luxembourg financial centre one of its main research priorities. ?FinLux' is a place for researchers to discuss ongoing research projects in banking and financial history in a broad sense.

All sessions start at 18:00 sharp at the C²DH (Maison des Sciences humaines, 4th floor) with the exception of the intervention of Huw Macartney. The presentations this semester will be in either French or English. Please register by e-mail if you wish to attend one or more seminars.


18 September 2018 :
Putting Luxembourg on the map: what the IOS scandal tells us about the Luxembourg financial place in the early 1970s
Benoît Majerus (University of Luxembourg)

22 Oktober 2018 (exceptionnally on a Monday from 3 pm to 4.30 pm – Digital History Lab (Maison des Sciences humaines, 1st floor)
Open Banking: Fintech and the second financial services revolution?
Huw Macartney (University of Birmingham)

20 November 2018
Local Networks and the Globalization of the ATM, 1967-2017
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo (University of Bangor)

18 December 2018
Les places financières européennes et le tournant de la globalisation financière ( années 60-70) (Europe continentale)
Laure Quennouëlle-Corre (EHESS)


Benjamin Zenner

Université du Luxembourg, Campus Belval
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette


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