The Making of Sexuality. Entangled Histories of Regulation, Intelligibility and Subjectivation. International Interdisciplinary Workshop

The Making of Sexuality. Entangled Histories of Regulation, Intelligibility and Subjectivation. International Interdisciplinary Workshop

Gender Studies, University of Zurich, Convenors: Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein, Dr. Monika Gsell, M.A. Helena Rust
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich
Vom - Bis
15.06.2017 - 17.06.2017
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich

In current public debates, ideological fault lines are increasingly organized around issues of gender and sexuality as prominently illustrated by the formula of the “sexual clash of civilizations”. According to this vision, “Western” sexual democracy or sexual liberation is opposed to allegedly backward, oppressive, misogynist, as well as homophobic cultures and religions – most notably Islam. We take the ongoing politicization of sexuality as a point of departure for looking into the general problem of the regulatory production and deployment of sexual matters more systematically. The workshop focuses on how, in particular settings, the domain of the sexual is produced and (re-)configured by complex regulatory regimes and frames of intelligibility. We want to explore this in an interdisciplinary perspective with a particular focus on the modern and contemporary period, exploring entanglements and interconnections in the globalized world. The workshop brings together scholars from a broad range of disciplines such as history, anthropology, cultural studies, social sciences, literary studies, psychoanalysis, and area studies.


Workshop Program
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Public Keynote Lecture (Venue: UZH Main Building: Rämistrasse 71, Room G 217)
18:15–20:00 Éric Fassin
Sexual Nationalisms Old and New in the Age of Terror
20:00 Drinks and Small Plates

Friday, June 16, 2017 (Venue: Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies Rämistrasse 59, Room E 08)
09:45 Registration and Coffee
Official Welcome:
Andreas Jucker, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Bettina Dennerlein, Professor of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies, Monika Gsell, Research Fellow and Coordinator MA Gender Studies

Panel 1: Entangled Histories of Science
Chair: Justyna Jaguscik
10:00–10:45 Dagmar Herzog
Where They Desire They Cannot Love: Critical Sexology in Germany between Marx and Freud and Masters and Johnson
10:45–11:30 Omnia El Shakri
The Arabic Freud and the Invention of the Psychosexual Subject
Coffee Break

Panel 2: Ethnographies of Sexuality
Chair Yasmine Berriane
11:45–12:30 Fuambai Ahmadu
The Making of Sexuality: Gender Inclusive Genital Surgery among the Mandinka of The Gambia
12:30–13:15 Aymon Kreil
In and Out of Morals: Fun Time and Norms of Desire in Egypt
13.30–14:30 Lunch

Panel 3: Queer Theory Revisited
Chair: N.N.
14:45–15:30 Christa Binswanger
A Third Sexual Revolution? Current Perspectives on Sexuality in Critical Sexualities Studies, Affect Studies, Queer Studies and Gender Studies
15:30–16:15 Monika Gsell
Psychoanalysis and the (Queer) Making of Sexuality
Coffee Break

Public Event (Venue: Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Rämistrasse 59, Room G 15)
17:00–19:00 Teresa de Lauretis: Freud and the Sexual
A Presentation by Teresa de Lauretis, Followed by a Conversation with Frauke Berndt

Saturday, June 17, 2017 (Venue: Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Rämistrasse 59, Room E 30)
Panel 4: The Politicization of Sexuality
Chair: Sarah Farag
9:30–10:15 Sherine Hafez
Gender and the Epistemology of Islamophobia in the 21st Century
10:15–11:00 Bettina Dennerlein
Sexuality in Contemporary Islamic Discourse: Negotiating the Religious-Secular Divide
Coffee Break
11:15–12:00 Saskia Wieringa
Sex, Lies and Communist Phobia in Indonesia
12:00–13:00 Closing Discussion
Lunch and Farewell


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