Open Knowledge? Potentials of Digital Publishing in the Academic World

Open Knowledge? Potentials of Digital Publishing in the Academic World

Global Young Faculty III, AG Potenziale Digitaler Medien in der Wissenschaft
Glaspavillon der Universität-Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Universitätsstr. 12, 45141 Essen
Vom - Bis
27.04.2015 -
Ernst, Thomas

Digital media enable new ways and dimensions of production, distribution and reception of knowledge. This media change also offers great potential for the academic world: scholars can take advantage of an expansive range of knowledge more easily, collaborative work is facilitated, outcomes can be published and discussed much faster and teaching is provided with new formats for a broad perception. However, scholars regularly encounter structural, juridical, economic and many other problems when making use of the potentials of digital media.

The conference “Open Knowledge? Potentials of Digital Publishing in the Academic World“ aims to strengthen the interdisciplinary awareness and reflection of the potentials of digital media in many ways. Firstly, it will explore the way digital media are being used by students and young scholars and how the digital universities of the future will work. It will also outline the impact of these changes on the public sphere and the social position of academia.

Secondly, it will focus on the potentials of digital publishing and the free distribution of digital knowledge: Fast and broad digital availability of academic papers and monographs as well as the possibility for a global community to comment and discuss them openly allows a more intensive, more transparent, more collaborative and, consequently, a more academic way of verifying knowledge. Prof. Dr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick (New York City/@kfitz), who is one of the leading theorists and practitioners of academic digital publishing, will give the central keynote on these topics.

The final presentations will reflect on more practical questions: What are the standards of a good digital academic publication? Are academic libraries an agent of these changes? Can scholars make their texts digitally accessible? And how do students and laypersons make sense of online information? A final panel discussion with all speakers will complete the conference.


The conference is open and participation is free of charge. If you plan to attend, please send an e- mail to Kristina Petzold (see below). This will help us to calculate the number of participants properly.
Registration and organisational questions: Kristina Petzold: blog [at]

PARTICIPATION: hashtag, live-stream, weblog and videos

The Twitter hashtag of the conference is #gyf3ok. We are planning a live-stream, you will find final information on The videos of the presentations and discussions will be available for download, comments and discussion after the conference on the weblog of the Global Young Faculty: and its video-channel.


The conference is organized by the working group “Potentials of Digital Media in the Academic World”, which is part of the Global Young Faculty III. The Global Young Faculty provides a platform for outstanding and dedicated young scholars from the Ruhr region to meet, to work on interdisciplinary projects and to receive new stimuli for their own academic research. The interdisciplinary working group has concentrated on the potentials of digital learning and digital publishing in the academic world during the last 18 months in an intensive way. It will present several findings of its group projects during the conference. After the conference, members of the Global Young Faculty III will position themselves towards questions that have been asked during the conference.
Conference concept and press contact: Dr. Thomas Ernst as representative of the working group “Potentials of Digital Media in the Academic World”: thomas.ernst [at]


I. Open Knowledge in Digital Universities. Opening of the Conference and Overviews


Dr. Dagmar Eberle
(Mercator Research Center Ruhr, Deputy Director)
Welcoming Speech

Dr. Thomas Ernst/Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden
(Global Young Faculty III/Working Group “Potentials of Digital Media in the Academic World”)
Open Knowledge and Digital Publishing in the Academic World. A Short Introduction


Dr. Markus Neuschäfer
(Open Knowledge Foundation, Berlin; Project Lead “Digital Humanities and Open Science”)
Rewiring the Ivory Tower: Digital Universities and the Evolution of Open Science

[14:10-14:30 Coffee break]

II. Potentials of Digital Publishing in the Academic World. Keynote Presentations


Prof. Dr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick
(Visiting Research Professor of English at New York University/
Director of Scholarly Communication at the Modern Language Association)
Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy

[16:00-16:30 Coffee break]


Dr. Thomas Stäcker
(Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum/Deputy Director of Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel)
The Future of Digital Publishing in the Academia: Is the Library an Agent of Change?

III. Potentials and Limitations of Digital Academic Publishing: Projects of the Global Young Faculty III


Dr. Thomas Ernst
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Global Young Faculty III)
Are Scholars Allowed to Make their Texts Digitally Accessible?
Open Access, Open Reviews and the German ‘Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht’

Dr. Stephan Winter
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Global Young Faculty III)
Understanding Science in the Information Tide:
How Students and Laypersons Make Sense of Online Information

[18:10-18:30 Coffee break]


IV. The Potentials of Digital Publishing in the Academic World: Concluding Panel Discussion

- Prof. Dr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Modern Language Association/New York University)
- Dr. Markus Neuschäfer (Open Knowledge Foundation, Berlin)
- Dr. Thomas Stäcker (DHd/Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel)
- and members of the Global Young Faculty III

[19:30 Conference reception]


Dr. Thomas Ernst
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften
Institut für Germanistik
Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft
Universitätsstr. 12
45141 Essen
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