Seleucid Study Day

Seleucid Study Day

The Centre for Hellenistic and Romano-Greek Culture and Society (Exeter) and the Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies
University of Exeter, Streatham Campus, Amory Building 218/219
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
15.08.2011 -
Altay Coskun und Stephen Mitchell

In the context of a growing interest in the Hellenistic world, aspects of the Seleucid Empire are attracting an ever growing research community. Among other projects, one major collaborate study dealing with the Construction of Seleucid Royalty (with a focus on Antiochus I) was started at the University of Exeter after the 2008 Seleucid conference and is now approaching its final stage. This workshop will provide an opportunity to bring together a number of established and younger scholars from the UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland to discuss new results, methods, and perspectives arising from this and other initiatives.

To find Exeter, the Streatham Campus, and the Amory Building, please follow this link:

If you need accommodation, we recommend the very attractive offers by event exeter. Before you book, please make sure you chose a residence located on Streatham Campus:

There is no conference fee. But please notify us, if you want to attend.


9:00 Tea, Opening

9:20-12:40 Session I: Queens, Princesses, and Dynastic Issues of the Seleucids (chaired by Altay Coşkun, Waterloo, ON)
(1) Monica d’Agostino (PhD candidate Milan) Seleucids and Mithridatids: the Origin of Their Dynastic Ties
(2) Marie Widmer (PhD candidate Lausanne) The Repudiation of Laodice III

10:40 Tea Break

(3) Gillian Ramsey (Leicester)
Seleucid Dunasteia, Royal Land and Cities
(4) Alex McAuley (MA Edinburgh)
Towards a Seleucid Dynastic Model

12:20 Lunch Break (Streatham Court Cafeteria)

14:00-16:00 Session II: Construction of Seleucid Royalty: Studies in the Politics and Propaganda of Antiochus I (chaired by Stephen Mitchell, Exeter)
(5) Altay Coşkun (Waterloo, ON)
The Soter Cults of Seleucus I and Antiochus I Preceding the So-Called Elephant Victory of ca. 275 BC
(6) Kyle Erickson (Lampeter)
Babylonian Religion and Seleucid Propaganda
(7) David Engels (UL Brussels)
Antiochus I and the Early Seleucids' Iranian Heritage

16:00-16:20 Tea/Coffee Break

16:20-18:20 Session III: Further Seleucid Studies (chaired by Lynette Mitchell, Exeter)
(8) Franca Landucci (Milan)
Seleucus versus Antigonus
(9) Federico Russo (Konstanz)
The Syrian War: a Rerun of the Persian Wars?
(10) Michael Sommer (Liverpool)
Kings of Glory. Charismatic Authority in the Seleucid Monarchy

18:20/30 Closing, Departure to the restaurant


Altay Coskun

Dept. of Classics & Ancient History, University of Exeter
Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RJ