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From: Jim Welsh < jxwelsh@ssu.edu> (via Net News and Announcements)
Subject: Konferenz: Cold War (Salisbury State University, July 26-31.97)
Date: Monday, June 16, 1997 10:50:25 MET

Conference on Cold War at Salisbury State University, July 26-31

This year's conference of the International Association for Media and History (IAMHIST) will be held at Salisbury State University in Salisbury, Maryland, from July 26 to 30th and at the National Archives and the Library of Congress on July 31.

The conference, whose title is 'Knaves, Fools, and Heroes' will deal with Film and Television representations of the Cold War. Further topics will include 'History on Film and Television' and 'Film and Biography' Speakers will include Garth Jowett, Thomas Docherty, Nicholas Cull, Rainer Rother, Wesley Wark, Chris Vos,Pierre Sorlin, Peter Rollins and Dan Leab. The Keynote address will be given by Taylor Downing, who is currently working on a 24-part history of the Cold War for Ted Turner.

In a special panel for the entire conference, Richard Raack, Ronald Radosh, John E. Haynes, and Daniel Leab will lay out the current approaches to the study of the Cold War for the film historians present. This session on historiography will take place Sunday, 27 July, and will be chaired by Peter Rollins, Editor of Film & History magazine

http://h-net2.msu.edu/ ~filmhis/

The cost of the conference will be $125, (graduate students $60)

Further details from

Jim Welsh
Department of English
Salisbury State University
Salisbury, MD 21801
Fax: 410-543-6068
email: jxwelsh@ssu.edu

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