Call for papers

EUROPE 1000-2000: A Thousand Years of civitas, communitas et universitas

A conference organized by Central European University, History Department and European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'histoirem co-sponsored by the European Cultural Foundation Budapest, 27-29 April 2001.

The European construction under way can only be comprehended in its full diversity when the commonly held values of Europe are set in their proper historical context. This conference aims to charter the notion of transnational commonwealth in Europe during the past millennium. It will explore the manner in which local, regional, national and international loyalties and identities were established and either led to conflicts or to broader interdependence and integration.

Key terms will be the universalism of the past (empire, Christendom, humanist values), the communities which have shaped a cultural and political diversity of the present (religion, ethnicity), and the different definitions of citizenship which make any political construction such a complicated enterprise. The conference sets= an agenda which crosses the multitude of sub-disciplines in history, enables real and meaningful interdisciplinary work and broad comparisons, and encourages further research. The organization of the conference will aim at crossing period boundaries and enabling debate and discussion between several generations of scholars.

Priority will be given to young scholars, offering a paper on the following themes: Symbolic geography, regional space and identities Identity and the polity: state and empire Multiple identities and social strata European identities through the ages

Please send proposals to
Laszlo Kontler :
or Jean-Marc Dreyfus :

This call for papers with further information and a registration form, is also accessible at CEU's website

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: Andrew Gossen
Subject: CFP: Europe 1000-2000 (Budapest, 27.-29.4.2001)
Date: 31.01.2001

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Termine 2001