Call for Papers

5th Annual Graduate Student Conference
Center for German and European Studies
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University

October 15-16, 1999

Georgetown University, Washington, DC

--- Past as Prologue?---
--- European Transformation and Integration Since 1989 ---

The theme of the 1999 conference, "Past as Prologue: European Transformation and Integration Since 1989," will provide an opportunity to assess change and continuity during the past decade and take stock of scholarly insights into this period of transition. Papers will represent the disciplines of political science, international relations, history, economics and cultural studies.

Master's and Doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to submit abstracts related to the following possible panels:

Submission Deadline: Postmarked by April 1, 1999

Submissions: Abstracts should be 500 words. Participation is limited to students currently enrolled in degree-granting programs. Limited number of domestic and international travel grants are available. Please include a resume (with email address) with your submission.

Send submissions to:

Graduate Student Conference
Center for German & European Studies
Intercultural Center 501
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057

For more information:

(202) 687-5602

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: H-Net Announcements Editor <>
Subject: CFP: European Transformation and Integration since 1989
Date: 10.3.1999

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