(x-post EH)

European Yearbook of Business History

The Society for European Business History e. V. would like to invite contributions to the 3rd volume of its European Yearbook of Business History. This annual publication is concerned with the history of individual European enterprises and entrepreneurs, as well as multinational corporations, and publishes new research and surveys on business history. The journal aims to cover all European countries, not only those of the European Union, with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th century. Further information on the Yearbook can also be found on the SEBH website at www.businesshistory.de.

If you would like to contribute an article, please contact Dr. Andrea H. Schneider at schneider@businesshistory.de or the SEBH office (see below) for guidelines on style and format. Research articles should normally be of 10,000 words including footnotes, whereas surveys should be shorter at 5,000 words. Contributions should be sent as hard copy and on disk, or as e-mail attachment to the SEBH.


Society for European Business History
Zimmerweg 6
D-60325 Frankfurt Germany
Tel. +49 69 7103 5993
Fax +49 69 9720 3308

Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: "Samuel H. Williamson" <sam@eh.net>
Subject: CfP: Society for European Business History Yearbook
Date: 14.10.1999

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