6 Scholarships Doctoral Program "History of Societies, Institutions and Thought. From Medieval to Contemporary History" (Univ. of Trieste)

Guido Abbattista

Open call for candidatures for six scholarships for the doctoral program in History 2016-2019 at the University of Trieste. Deadline 30 July 2015. Please access the call here:
and for general directions at:

The general educational aim of the “History of Societies, Institutions and Thought. From Medieval to Contemporary History” doctorate is uniform for all curricula, even though differing themes and perspectives are explored depending on the specific area of interest.
The program focuses on an interdisciplinary approach based on a global, diachronic and comparative perspective.
1 - History of Borders and Frontiers
2 - Society, Economy, Institutions
3 - Cultural, Commercial and Religious Exchange from a Transnational Perspective
4 - History of Thought and Philosophies