Beyond the Printed Word:

New Media and the Practice of History

Florence, 20 March 2000

Liebe Listenmitglieder,

im Maerz 2000 kommen am Europaeischen Hochschulinstitut in Florenz einige Interessierte zu einem Workshop ueber "Beyond the Printed Word: New Media and the Practice of History" zusammen. Der Workshop zielt auf eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Medium der Geschichtsschreibung ab und moechte in intermedialen Zusammenhaengen denken, i.e. andere Quellenformen neben den normalen Textquellen ernst nehmen und in gleichwertige Bezuege zueinander stellen. Zur Zeit suchen wir vor allem nach alternativen Darstellungsmethoden und -strategien. Fuer den Workshop haben bereits Teilnehmer im Bereich "Visual Archive" und "Film and History" zugesagt. Wir moechten jedoch noch gerne einen CD-ROM-Spezialisten einladen, der nicht nur eine CD produziert, sondern sich auf dieser CD auch mit historiographischen Fragen beschaeftigt hat. Am Institut selbst versuchen einige Doktoranden, die CD als wissenschaftliches Arbeitsmedium zu testen, also nicht nur fuer Publikationen bestimmte CD's herzustellen.

Falls es Interessenten gibt, an diesem Workshop mit einer Praesentation teilzunehmen, so koennen Sie sich auf der Webseite <> ueber unser Anliegen informieren. Fuehlen Sie sich herzlich eingeladen, mit uns in diese Richtung zu denken.

Vielen Dank im Voraus fuer etwaige Antworten und Anregungen,

Hagen Schulz-Forberg

European University Institute/Robert Schuman Centre and
Department of History and Civilisation
within the framework of the European Forum Programme 1999/2000

Professor Bo Stråth

Beyond the Printed Word:

New Media and the Practice of History

Florence, 20 March 2000



James Kaye, Katiana Orluc and Hagen Schulz-Forberg

History has been almost exclusively accessed and presented literally. From Herodotus to Hobsbawm historians expressed themselves with letters forming words, sentences and arguments on two-dimensional plains. Historians have always operated within specific parameters set both by technical limitations and their own inhibition to exploit the possibilities at their disposal. New sources and subjects have gained acceptance through the pioneering work of social and cultural historians over the last decades. Nevertheless, the modes of representation have been confined to the realm of linear and argumentative prose texts. Historians today are confronted with unprecedented possibilities to represent, communicate and translate their research. New non-literate resources such as possibilities of representation through sounds and images remain ignored. Contemporary computer technology challenges historians to re-evaluate their traditional modes of representation.

The capacity of these contemporary computer technologies appears to be almost infinite on multiple levels. Historiographically, one of the pitfalls of this sheer abundance of resources made available by new media is the danger of collecting and presenting more than one can analyse, creating more confusion than sense. Furthermore, one is challenged to transcend the mere projection of a book onto a CD-ROM or DVD which fails to exploit and understand the possibilities of these new technologies. Beyond the Written Word - New Media and the Practice of History proposes intermediality instead of multimediality, reflecting not only a kaleidoscope of material, but also attempting to give the same valence to each individual source. What has been studied as intertextuality, as a network of references between written sources, shall be brought to a level of understanding the networks of communication and mutual reference not only of written texts, but also of visual and audio sources. This implies that the eployment of these new resources - if it aspires to acceptance within academia - is only possible in a perpetually critical and self-reflective manner.


Quelle = Email <H-Soz-u-Kult>

From: "Hagen Schulz-Forberg" <>
Subject: Workshop: "Beyond the Printed Word: ..." - Florenz 03/2000
Date: 3.12.1999

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