(x-post H-Sci-Med-Tech)
9:00 am -12:00 am
Wednesday 24 November 1999
Phillips Hall 328, Academic Center
George Washington University
Telegraphy and Technological Modernization:
Political and Cultural Issues in 19th Century China
Erik Baark
Hong Hong University of Science and Technology
Telegraphy and International Rivalry:
Western Race for Concessions in China, 1881-1886
Ole Lange
Copenhagen Business School
Telegraphy and Empire: Japan's Quest for Submarine Cables, 1871-1914
Daqing Yang
Department of History, GW
Coffee Break
Neutrality and the "Political Imperative" in International Telecommunication:
The Great Northern Telegraph Company
Kurt Jacobsen
Copenhagen Business School
The Ironies of Cable History
Bernard Finn
National Museum of American History
Tracing the Rise of Cable Telegraphy Literature, 1855-1895
Christopher Sterling
Graduate Telecommunications Program, GW
Sponsored by the History Department and the Graduate Telecommunications
Program Supported by the George and May Shiers Memorial Fund
The workshop is free and open to the public, For more information, please contact Daqing Yang at (202)994-8262 or yanghist@gwu.edu
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