Conference locations:
Thursday, May 20, 1999
Rotes Rathaus, Rathausstraße, Ferdinand-Friedensburg-Saal (Room 338)
Friday, May 21, 1999
Rotes Rathaus, Rathausstraße, Ferdinand-Friedensburg-Saal (Room 338)
Saturday, May 22, 1999
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Senatssaal
Sunday, May 23, 1999 (young schloars' meeting): TBA
Rainer Ohliger/Rainer Münz
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lehrstuhl Bevölkerungswissenschaft
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
T.: 030/2093-1937, -1918
Fax: 030/2093-1432
Registration fee:
full fee: DM 100 (including dinner on Friday, May 21)
reduced fee: DM 50 (excluding dinner on Friday, May 21)
(Registration forms are available at
Hotels: The following hotels have reserved a limited number of rooms. Please make reservations via the above mentioned contact address before May 5, 1999.
Hotel Unter den Linden
Unter den Linden 14
10117 Berlin
Single: DM 145 ($ 81)
Double: DM 195 ($108)
Albrechtstraße 8
10117 Berlin
Single: DM 185 ($103)
Double: DM 205 ($114)
Public transport: The conference locations are easily reachable by public
transport: Rotes Rathaus: S-Bahn and U-Bahn stop: Alexanderplatz
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: S-Bahn and U-Bahn stop: Friedrichtraße
Meals: The conference fee includes a reception on May 20, lunch on May 21 and 22 and dinner on May 21. The reduced fee excludes the dinner on May 21.
Thursday, May 20, 1999
Rotes Rathaus, Rathausstraße, Ferdinand-Friedensburg-Saal (Room 338)
16.00- 16.45: Judith Shuval (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The Dynamics of Diaspora: Theoretical Implications of Ambiguous Concepts
16.45-17.15: Coffee Break
17.15-19.15 Opening Discussion: Mixing and Unmixing Populations in 20th Century Europe (1)
Chair: Rainer Ohliger (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Rainer Münz (Humboldt University, Berlin): Germany and its Ethnic and
Other Migrants: A Challenge to Nation and State.
Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller (University of Paris X, Nanterre): Mixing
and Unmixing of Population in the Yugoslav Territory in the 20th Century
Rogers Brubaker (University of California, Los Angeles): Accidental Diasporas
and External 'Homelands' in Europe: Past and Present
Anatoly Vishnevsky (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow): The Dissolution
of the Soviet Union, Ethnic Migration and the Problem of Diasporas
Moshe Semyonov (Tel Aviv University): Immigration and Ethnicity in Israel:
Returning Diaspora and Nation Building
19.15-21.00: Buffet
Friday, May 21, 1999
Rotes Rathaus, Rathausstraße, Ferdinand-Friedensburg-Saal (Room 338)
9.00-10.30: Forced Migration, Making Diasporas and the Nation-State (2)
Chair: Anatoly Vishnevsky (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Philipp Ther (Free University Berlin): A Century of Ethnic Cleansing: Forced
Migration in Europe 1912-1995
Anne de Tinguy (CERI, Paris): Ethnic Migration Following Political Changes
in Eastern and Central Europe: "Repatriation" or Privileged Immigration?
Kemal Karpat (University of Wisconsin, Madison): Migration, Ethnopolitics
and the Formation of Nation-States in South-Eastern Europe and Israel
Gabriel Sheffer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Diasporas into Migrants
- Migrants into Diasporas
Arthur C. Helton (Open Society Institute, New York): What is Forced Migration?
10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-13.00: Ethnic Migration and Diasporization in the Aftermath of Empire: Minorities and Ethnic Migrants in the Post-Soviet Successor States (3)
Chair: Anne de Tinguy (CERI, Paris)
Tim Heleniak (World Bank, Washington): The End of an Empire: Migration and
the Changing Nationality Composition of the Soviet Successor States
Natalya Kosmarskaya (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow): A New Perspective
on an Old Problem: Post-Soviet Ethnic Migration and the Russian-Speakers'
Position in the NIS (The Case-Study of Kirghizia)
Moya Flynn (University of Birmingham): Returning Home? - Approaches to
Repatriation and Migrant Resettlement in Post-Soviet Russia
Bakhtior Islamov (Tashkent State Economic University, Tashkent): Ethnic Migration
in 20th Century Central Asia
Jacqueline McLaren (George Washington University, Washington): Citizenship
in the Former Soviet Union - Ethnic Minorities and Political Communities
11.00-13.00: Ethnic Migration and Diasporization in the Aftermath of Empire:
Minority Rights and Citizenship in the Baltic States (4)
Chair: Stefan Troebst (University of Leipzig)
Dovile Budryté (Europa University Viadrina, Frankfurt/O./Old Dominion
University, Norfolk/VA: Today's Politics and Yesterday's Embitterments: Ethnic
Restructuring and its Aftermath in The Baltic States
Wim van Meurs (Humboldt University, Berlin): Social Citizenship and
Non-Migration: The Immobility of the Russian Diaspora in the Baltics
Jekaterina Dorodnova (University of Latvia, Riga): Identity Formation of
Russian Speakers in Estonia and Latvia: Shifts Since 1991 and Implications
for Social Consolidation
Margit Sarv (Central European University, Budapest): Majority and Minority
Nationalism in Estonia
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-16.00: Failures and Successes in the Building of a Homeland: The Jewish Diaspora and its Immigration to Israel (5)
Chair: Rogers Brubaker (University of California, Los Angeles)
Eva-Maria Stolberg (University of Bonn): Search for a Jewish Homeland: Settlement
Projects in the USSR in the 20s and 30s
Moshe Gat (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan): The Immigration of Iraqi Jews:
Expulsion, Deliverance, or the Solution to an Internal Problem
William Berthomiere (University of Poitiers): Integration and Social Dynamic
of Ethnic Migrants: Jews from the Former Soviet Union in Israel
William Safran (University of Colorado, Boulder): The End of Normality: The
Diasporization of Israel
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-18.00: Expulsion - Emigration - Repatriation: German Diasporas Since 1945 (6)
Chair: Barbara Schmitter Heisler (Gettysburg College/American Academy
Pavel Polian (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow): Forced Migrations of
Ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe to the USSR and Their Repatriation
Zoran Janjetovic (University of Belgrade): The Disappearance of Ethnic Germans
from Yugoslavia: Expulsion or Emigration?
Darren Hall (University of Texas at Austin): From Bonn to Berlin by Way of
Moscow: The Effect of Return Migration on Homeland Nationalism in Germany
Daniel Levy (Columbia University, New York): The Politicization of Ethnic
German Immigrants: The Transformation of National Priorities
20.00: Dinner
Saturday, May 22, 1999
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Senatssaal
9.00-10.30: Minorities in the Near Abroad - Ethnic Hungarians in Transylvania and Beyond (7)
Chair: Sorin Antohi (Central European University, Budapest)
Laszlo Kurti (University of Miskolc): State, Nation and Homeland: Transylvanians
in Hungary
Jon Fox (University of California, Los Angeles): Identity Formation in Migration:
The Case of Transylvanian Hungarian Guest Workers
Valér Veres (University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj): The Influence of Internal
Migration on Ethnically Mixed Areas of Transylvania
Zsuzsanna Török (Central European University, Budapest):
Institutionalization and Instrumentalization of Ethnic Interests: Strategies
of Social Reforms of Hungarian Students in Interwar Romania, 1919-1945
10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-13.00: State Dissolution, State Formation and Ethnic Unmixing: The Case of Croatia
Chair: Drago Roksandic (University of Zagreb/Central European University,
Jasna Capo-Zmegac: (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore, Zagreb): Ethnic
Croatian Migrants Between National Allegiance and a Newly Discovered Ethnic
Daphne Winland (York University): Cartographies of Desire: The Cultural Politics
of Croatian Identity
Pamela Ballinger (Bowdoin College, Brunswick): Living in the Ruins: Making
Memories of the Istrian Homeland
Jadranka Cacic-Kumpes (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb)/Ivo
Nejasmic (University of Zagreb): Social Changes, Migration and Ethnic Structure:
The Case of Petrinja (Croatia)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00: Life in Between: International and Transnational Perspectives on Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants (9)
Chair: Rainer Münz (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Stefan Wolff (Keele University): External Minorities in Central and Eastern
Europe: Implications for a Collective Security System in Europe
Madeleine Demetriou (University of Kent, Canterbury): Beyond the Nation-State?
Diasporic Identities, Loyalty and Transnational Politics
Yossi Shain/Martin Sherman (Tel Aviv University): Diasporas, Transnational
Financial Flows, and National Identity
Larissa Remennick (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan): Russian Jews in Israel
as a Transnational Community: Cultural Separatism and Beyond
Rainer Ohliger (Humboldt University, Berlin): Ethnic Minorities and Ethnic
Migrants. On the Way to Transcultural and Transnational Structures?
14.00-16.00: Comparing Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants: German and Israeli Experiences (10)
Chair: Judith Shuval (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Yvonne Schütze (Humboldt University, Berlin)/Tamar Rapoport (Hebrew
University of Jerusalem): Approaching a New Society: Social Relationships
of Young Russian Jews in Israel and Germany
Amanda Klekowski (Georgetown Unversity, Washington): Who Organizes? The Political
Opportunity of Co-Ethnic Migrant Mobilization: Post-Cold War Jewish Immigrants
to Israel and Ethnic German Migrants to Germany
Marina Niznik (Tel Aviv University): The Russian Language as Base Factor
of the Formation of the Russian Community in Israel
Heike Roll (Osteuropa-Institut München): German Language Proficiency
and its Impact on the Integration of Young Ethnic German Immigrants from
the former Soviet Union
16.00-16.30: Coffee Break
16.30-18.30: Daniel Chirot (University of Washington, Seattle): Concluding Lecture and Final Discussion: Should Identities Adapt To Boundaries or Boundaries to Identities? The Lasting Dilemmas of Modern Migration
Sunday, May 23, 1999
10.00-12.00: Meeting of young scholars (stipend program)
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